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Puppy stats

Puppy stats
Posted 2020-11-04 03:07:57

Hello there!

I was thinking about Is there a way to calculate puppy stats? I would love to know. It will be easier to chose breeding male to get wanted stats.


Posted 2020-11-04 03:55:18 (edited)

We don't have a formula but here is a thread were people are trying to find out!

The running theory is you get about 30% +/-5% of the parents stats combined.

Edit: I am unsure if the stat distribution is also (partly) inherited but I think there have been some data that suggests so?

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-11-04 04:29:04

Thank you very much! Maybe it depends on many factors? For example my puppys ,which parrents have 230 stats, have 180, so like 40% combinated. It's great to know than people trying to find it out!


Posted 2020-11-04 04:33:28

Yeah, it might also go lower the higher the (combined) parents stats are. So 1000+ stats might only get you 30% pup and 300+ stats get you 40% pups. And it will probably depend on more factors; winter born litters also cuts stats to a degree.

Sienna Snow

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