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Item like lioden's cotton root bark

Item like lioden's cotton root bark
Posted 2024-03-13 17:40:07
I recently had an idea, because my breeding male kinda sucks and I bred him to my pretty pink wolf Susie and went to the help chat asking if we had an item like the CRB on lioden that terminates a pregnancy (with a higher chance of a mutie pup/cub) and upon learning that we didn't I had the idea that we get an item like the CRB that causes a wolf's pregnancy to be terminated and possibly having it heighten the chances of a puppy being born with a mutation

Posted 2024-03-14 18:01:56
I'm confused, how does terminating the pregnancy also make muties happen? Like, is it something that happens with the next litter or is there a chance for an abortion to instantly make a mutie be born or what?


Posted 2024-03-15 20:11:18
@Katie CRB gives a reduced breeding cooldown and lightlu increases the chance of the following litter having a random mutation.
Lily (GH!)

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