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Boredom has got to me.. (Open)

Boredom has got to me.. (Open)
Posted 2024-02-25 02:15:51 (edited)
Hello! Please call me Simon, Bear, or Freaks
As the subject says, boredom has got to me, and what do I do when I'm bored? Either draw or decorate random wolves.
I won't be able to draw for a while since motivation is gone, so I'll decorate your wolves
No one is getting anything from this other than you getting a decorated wolf and me getting rid of boredom
I'll do up to 3 wolves from your pack as I am busy most days, if you want more done, you'll have to pay 100 SC or 1 GC
Please keep in mind that I do get busy at random times of the day so it might take a while!

You do not have to use these designs!!
Oh!! if you need any help getting the decors (if you choose to use the design) just let me know, I'll try to help out :3

All I need to know is:
- The wolf you want decorated (or more than one wolf)
- The theme
- What kind of decors and if you want any markings added
- The lore behind the wolf so I can get an idea about what the wolf is able to do or is like (If wanted, of course)

The newest decorated wolf I've done:


Posted 2024-02-25 03:06:33 (edited)
I would love for you to have a stab at decorating my next lead, Storm for me! Storm is named after my deceased pet bird, and they are a free spirit, kind and responsible and flies like the wind.

Feel free to fill the rest of their markings with event apps, I'd like to keep their background and any existing markings but free reign for anything else! <3 I'm also potentially adding the custom decor 'dramatic lighting' to them once they grow up :D

Thank you for the chance!

Posted 2024-02-25 15:38:35
Done! link Here's her design, I really liked designing her! If you want anything changed just let me know :]


Posted 2024-03-09 20:20:41
Hi! I love this idea, decorating wolves is quite fun! I just got my next heir and was wondering if you like to make a design for them?
The wolf:
Theme: Preferably something that goes with the purple/pinkish markings, like blue or light purple!
Decors/markings: Neither matter to me, do whatever you want! : D
Decors: Up to ten is good with me
Lore: They're very new so I don't have much of an idea of their personality, backstory, and what not in my head yet so you're free to make up whatever you want! I'll probably end up using it as inspiration. They're current personality in game is imaginative and I like to use that as a bit of a starting point, so they're good at telling stories and very friendly.

Posted 2024-03-09 20:24:46
- The wolf: brightstar
- The theme: blue / white / black OR you can switch stuff up and do something completely different :'D
- What kind of decors: i like floral or ethereal vibes, feel free to add markings !!
- How many decors I can add: as many as youd like
thank you for the opportunity and i hope you have fun with em !! :D


Posted 2024-03-09 21:32:04
Frostcone - Of course! I'll get started now and then pm you the results!

limedevils - I'll get started soon and when I'm done I'll pm you the results too!


Posted 2024-03-13 20:22:37
Thanks again for doing my new lead! I'll send you a few undectored wolves I have and you can pick which ones you'd like to do ^^ (tw for blood in the lore)
The wolf:
Theme: Fire Or like, rocks, gems, blood, burning, even mountainy stuff. He's not into plants and foliage
Decors: I think rocks and stone attire would be cool! Like necklaces, jewelry and what not made with rocks
Markings: Maybe more brown/blacks and green (to match his eyes)
Lore: Inferno is a cruel wolf who likes to mess with others and ruins every relationship he has (so he's great for Howies pack!). He has only a pawful wolves he likes and treats well and that's it, but he makes up for his lack in friends with his skill in killing prey. Knows just about every way to kill and has tried it, always ends up too bloody, though

Posted 2024-03-13 20:34:12
The wolf:
Theme: Fire again More mountainy than firey, though. She has a fascination with climbing and exploring mountainous areas
Decors: Rocks, stones, and the like. Smaller plants and little bits of grass, but probably not a lot (you can take as many creative liberties you want with any of these btw. I'm just writing what's in my head at the moment lol)
Markings: I like her markings a lot already but if I were to add anything if say more red/black cracks and/or specks to make it look like sparks
Lore: Volcano is mean and has a sharp sense of humor, but is oddly able to twist it in a way that's just charming enough that wolves still like her. She can be crude and blunt, but her straight forwardness and how she talks to everybody the same way makes her quite popular with the pups. She's also good at balancing out her mate, Inferno, cruel acts, even if she sometimes participates in them herself.

Posted 2024-03-13 20:44:43
The wolf:
Theme: Grasslands, hill, and drier, yellowier greeny. Probably lots of deer, caribou, or other similar herbivores
Decors: Animal Decors probably! Pelts, bones, and even plants named after animals. Loves the stuff
Markings: I do like the dark and pale offset he already has, so all I can think to add would be marks on his flanks and ears
Lore: Ramifer is a pretty quiet wolf most of the time, but will chat your ear off if you come talk to him. He's reserved and tends to stick to him, even when he's leading the team of hunters he's in, but a swell guy. Super nice. He has a lot of anxiety and tends to ramble or over analyize things, but it's usually in his head. Then again, a lot of wolves in Howie's pack are mean so maybe his worries are justified

Posted 2024-03-13 20:48:13
Feel free to do any wolf in my dynasty since all my pretty pups are dead ;w; All are based on Danganronpa characters and you can look up their name and some ideas should come up!! I have no general lore for these guys, but if need be gof off of their talents!!


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