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What type of milk alternative do you drink?

What type of milk alternative do you drink?
Posted 2024-02-20 12:22:08
Hello there all my non actual milk drinkers, plant preferences, or just doesn't care for dairy. I've been going through a loop of just trying different plant based milks. So far I've had almond, rice, oat, and soy. I was curious what everyone else gets and if there are any notable mentions that I should try. So far I like oatmilk the best but I also do want to look for the healthiest option there is out there. My only complaint about almond milk is that it leaves a dry feeling in your throat.


Posted 2024-04-11 20:39:10
Yes oat milk is also my favorite!
I agree with the almond milk, and also coconut milk is just to watery for my taste. Another one is walnut or macadamia nut milk, I like both but macadamia is my favorite out of those two! Although those can be a little hard to get your hands on, especially in stores, but you can find them on Amazon.ย  I don't about health for either of those so you might have to look in to it.
How is rice milk? I don't think I have tried that one yet. :)


Posted 2024-04-22 15:18:21
I think almond milk is the most versatile I use it the most. For straight drinking, I like coconut milk; I get the So Delicious brand and it's creamy I don't find it watery at all


Posted 2024-04-22 15:21:31
I personally like sweetened almond milk

Posted 2024-05-14 12:31:05 (edited)
It depends what you use the milk for, but oatmilk is my go to for most purposes (drinking, making hot cocoa, iced coffee, cereal etc.). That being said, it can be a hit or a miss depending on the brand. Here in Ireland I always go for Alpro or Irish brand Flahavans (they make Irish porridge, granolas, oatmilks etc.). I have tried Oatly which is a popular brand in Europe but I wasn't a fan. They add too much unnecessary oils.
Homemade coconut milk is out of this world - though it takes a certain amount of effort. Hands down the tastiest drink ever. Storebought doesn't even compare.

Homemade cashew milk is probably the closest to dairy you can get, it's silky and creamy. I usually sweeten it with a teaspoon of vanilla as well. Storebought isn't great though.

I used to like almond milk but it's my least favourite now - UNLESS it's Califia. (I am SO happy the brand started selling in Ireland, to the point even the local baristas use it. I remember being in US about five years ago and then I wrote the company an email asking to export to Ireland lmao my wish was granted. We even get pumpkin spice flavoured Califia milk now adgvcvahdver)

If I get bored of my usual oat milk, or if it's not available, I swap it for soy milk. It's the most frothy milk alternative due to the type of fat molecules in it, so if I'm in the mood for a capuccino and it's on offer at the cafe I'll usually get that. Soy milk also mixes best with black tea. I generally use it for baking/cooking as well, if a recipe asks for milk.

@Tiny_Fox rice milk is surprisingly really nice! And also good for you (especially if you're trying to lose weight)! It's naturally sweet, like oat milk, and doesn't even taste like rice in my experience.


Posted 2024-05-28 16:08:16
@person above me ( sorry I can't see your name lol )
Okay cool, rice milk is very rarely used where I'm from (U.S.) so I haven't had the chance to try it, but it seems like I might have to give it a go!
That is awesome about the Califia milk, I also really like their products, and as a barista they are my favorite brand to use for drinks as they froth really well. I was making a soy mocha the other day and noticed that about soy as well, I didn't expect it to work well but I am very glad it did!


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