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Collecting newdbies

Posted 2024-05-05 05:23:36
As far as I know there's only one way to fix that and that requires GC. Because in the Grove there is essentially an auto feeder that feeds and amuses everybody with a pair of buttons.


Posted 2024-05-09 12:44:47 (edited)
Hallo :D
i am also new, around 3 or 4 days i think.
I mean, no wolves are threatening to leave, but i have no idea what the heck I'm doing lmao.
i have a ton of food and stuff, but idk what to do with it all.
I also have no idea how to make money other than fishing and snek.

also to build on the two replies one reply above me:

ye, one irl day is 1/2 month in game

go to hoard, select food item, and just spam the feed button, then go to next food item, and repeat till all wolves are full. same with mood items. There's probs a better way, but i only know this way sooooooo


Posted 2024-05-09 18:13:19
You can also go down the list if wolves in your pack and do it that way it also gives you the chance to level up your wolves


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