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Allow All Males to Breed within the Pack

Posted 2020-12-15 20:14:38

I was having a brainfart moment where I was like "why does it matter?" because I was only thinking about 1 pair bond at a time (one mated pair is all I will ever have). I can see that if a player had multiple pair bonds, this would become a big problem. I am against it too.


Posted 2020-12-15 20:14:40

The 30 day cooldown for the male after breeding and penalty for disbanding (amusement to 0% and 30 day cooldown for both wolves) is more than enough imo. Limiting 2 to a month is...far too much.


Posted 2020-12-15 22:15:09

Oh wow, I thought it was add two pair bonds a month, not two pair breedings a month. This update was so close to being great.


Posted 2020-12-15 22:19:01

Honestly, this update has done nothing to fix the breeding male issue or those who wanted this type of system for lore reasons. I mean, they might as well have just added two extra studding males cause this is just a tiny step forward and several steps back. But who knows, they listened once, maybe they will again. As of right now, however, I feel like they made it so restrictive to favor the studding market, the living embodiment of a monopoly, and did nothing for those who just want to stay in their own corner and do their own thing. You are still pretty much encouraged to have a harem all the same and chase all males out 


Posted 2020-12-15 22:21:23

It fixes like, maybe 5% of the problem. Some people really do just want a couple mated pairs and just have one or two litters from them... But most don't. This is a breeding sim, and two breedings per real life month is...... Tiny


Posted 2020-12-15 22:27:47

It doesn’t even sync with the female heat cycle! I only want to breed each pair once or twice, but what if I want to breed them when they’re 6 and again when they’re 7? That’s two breeding slots in one month for a single pair.


Posted 2020-12-15 23:21:14

Listening in,I realise things could be definetly done a bit better/clearer and less restrictive,even if I am happy that they decided to implement the feature in the first place.

I would say 4 breedings a month would be the bare minimum? If we leave everything else as it is atleast.


Posted 2020-12-15 23:43:48 (edited)

Indeed, 2 a Month Breedings is Very restrictive and now that i'm gathering more from others who have it...I don't want to bother with it Until they fix it more.


Devs, fix it please. 2 breeding's a month is too low and restrictive. At least 4 minimum is nicer. we love you for listening but damnit yer doing it wrong. XD  

I am one of those who indeed does their own thing in a small corner and this would cut me down a bit even though i wouldn't be selling pups (No one cares enough anyway since i'm not a trend sailor and can finds ways to earn a living *Hugs my herbalist* XD)

Still maybe this can be improved later on and With No Paywall and the quest can be fixed as well to properly explain if not reset like the breeding male one :"D


Posted 2020-12-16 05:28:45

Yes pleasee I'd so want the bonded pair to be reset at the end of the quest, I'm having second thoughts about my pair but I don't want to make them unhappy. They're both of my scouts, why did I choose them ahhhhhhh >-<


Posted 2020-12-16 05:42:39 (edited)

Yeah, the 2 breedings a month limit seems overly restrictive, and pretty much redundant given the other limits on the feature (like the 30 day cooldown for males plus the normal pregnancy period and 20 day cooldown for females, which means that each pair can only be bred once a month anyway, and the fact that the pup survival mechanics and available territory space, and particularly territory space available for pupsitters, is inherently going to limit breeding - it's just not worth setting 20 pairs and breeding them all at once, especially if you also have a stud male you are breeding to multiple females at the same time, if that means you are going to have 40-80 puppies in need of pupsitters at any one time). And I can't imagine that allowing players to have one breeding from each of their 20 or so pairs once a month would really have an impact on the pup market, or at least any more than unrestricted stud breeding is already having (in fact, mass breeding from studs is arguably worse for the market value of particular bases/markings/mutations, since it leads to the market being saturated with pups with similar genetics since they come from a limited number of studs. At least pair breedings increase diversity). And of course there have also been player demands for a pup sink mechanic that could counteract market saturation.

I think the way a lot of players interpreted it - that you can only set two pairs a month, but once the pairs are set there is no limit on the number that can be bred in any one month - is much better. It places limits on the feature that discourage mass pairing and mass pair breeding, if that is what the devs want to do, without being overly restrictive - bearing in mind as well that players can only even begin using the pairing mechanic once they have been playing for a month, and that pair breedings are already limited by wolf lifespan and breeding cooldowns, preventing players from spamming the market with pair-bred pups from day one.
