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⭐ Guild Mascot Contest ⭐ CLOSED!

Posted 2024-01-15 23:12:06
Okay:) sadly I saw that you said no FTU bases so I won't be able to join, I apologize! But good luck to everyone that does join!


Posted 2024-01-18 16:10:16
would like to make a mini note that i am not submitting to partake in the prize, since i am running the art contest! i thought it would be fun to share the design/lore wolf i had thought up while working today

velichor is an ancient wolf, one that seemingly never ages. she travels from place to place, telling stories of old and new, sharing songs and tales from elders, and entertaining pups. she shares her stories in visions by enchanting water to project them. when she leaves, no one seems to be able to follow her - she disappears into the shadows of the night, only to be seen again when she makes herself known.

cuttlekiss 🐙

Posted 2024-01-18 19:23:19 (edited)
hiya wanted to throw a try in here <3 talah as in tale-uh as in TALE... like story.... thought it was cute <:D
the swirls on her ribs are meant to be like rolled up scrolls/parchment ;3


Posted 2024-01-23 21:15:12

(Not entirely sure how to add images in but here you go-)

Othala lives up to her name well. Whether it was a personal choice or a sort of calling, Othala had dedicated their life to those that came before. Whatever you believe, wherever you think they went after death, Othala knows. She writes down the stories of the past, present, and future. She teaches everyone who will listen, hoping that her pupils won't repeat the mistakes buried in the past.
When, if , Othala dies, they will leave behind a legacy of knowledge.

Posted 2024-01-30 21:52:07 (edited)

Lumen was born with the gift of Sight like his mother, her father, and his father's mother before him.

When you're on a hunt, any wolf can sniff out the trail to follow. So different from the forest - the fur, feathers, and scales of prey. But what if the entire forest smelled the same?

From the outside, to the average wolf's nose, they do. Lumen's lineage, however, developed a mutation that allows him to See what others cannot. A visual afterglow, the ephemeral aura of a story worth reading. The age of the tale doesn't dampen his ability to "sniff" it out and his sole purpose in life is to find the stories others have forgotten and unravel the lore of the wolves who came before.

Posted 2024-02-04 18:45:01

Here's my entry!! Their name is Quill, an all-pronoun-using little report-writer.


Posted 2024-02-21 20:38:50

The new deadline for submission is March 31st 2024!

I look forward to seeing any new entries, and am excited to soon start voting in

cuttlekiss 🐙

Posted 2024-02-26 00:08:27 (edited)
I saw this contest and thought it'd be fun to participate, so here's my entry! His name is Loriel, and parts of his design are based off of chimeras, since there's different types of them with all kinds of different lore, so I thought it might fit. He's just a silly magical guy that's obsessed with reading who also lives in his own little realm that's pretty much just a library filled with stories and lore from thousands of other worlds, and I thought it'd be fun to imagine him reading the lore and stories from the members of the guild too! I didn't name the snake on his tail because I'm lazy lmao but he likes to read to it

(Link broke, had to re-add)


Posted 2024-03-22 17:08:05

The Deadline is Approaching:: March 31st!

cuttlekiss 🐙

Posted 2024-03-29 11:08:12
Heres Mine!

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