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Food needed pls!

Food needed pls!
Posted 2023-12-13 18:54:45 (edited)
This is going to be a short lived thread because ive just been unable to get the amount of food i need for my pack because ive been so busy and my hunters keep coming back with nothin DX im looking to get enough to get me through today and tomorrow possibly.

I dont have sc or gc rn because ive been buying food bundles but i do have items to trade! i have skulls/furs/feathers and remnants to trade . i have a few breeding items as well.

I would prefer food bundles but rn ill take any food items that are not rotting atm. Ill write when i close this thread and stop looking for food!

Write here that youre interested in helping and ill tell you to dm me, DO NOT dm me without posting here first. This way i can keep track and cut off the thread when i have enough!

Ty you for taking the time to read this.

EDIT: After much clicking i was able to scrounge up enough food to feed my wolves for today but i still needĀ  food to be able to make it through tomorrow! sinceĀ  i have work all day i wont be home to send hunts and click around for food items so anything would help!

Posted 2023-12-15 21:25:34
I could give you some food! I would be willing to trade for Territory Items! I am in desperate need to expand the territory my pack has :0
Autumn Chowsky

Posted 2023-12-15 21:30:01
Yeah def! ive been scrounging around on the ground for food these last few days XD. Ill dm you how much of each material i have!

Posted 2023-12-15 21:31:03
Sounds good! :0
Autumn Chowsky

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