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New Leader

New Leader
Posted 2023-12-04 18:56:06
My first leader is very close to retiring and I don't know what one to pickĀ  to become leader.
My current leader is:
This is my den:
I would appreciate any suggestions and I would love to have some reasoning behind your choice of wolf!

Posted 2023-12-04 23:05:31
I can't really say which would be the best, since it's really a matter of personal taste for the most part (also slightly stats), so here's my general advice:

-First, pick one you'd be happy with their appearance (assuming you're not going to just customize them with applicators and such).

-2nd, consider male/female pro/con; really it's just one minor con/difference between having a female vs. having a male, which is that when your lead is a female and she is nested, her energy regen will be slower, so keep that in mind and always try to nest her on the last day, late in the day before rollover/you get off for the day. It's never been too much of a bother for me, but I could see some people preferring males just so that they don't have to worry so much about this.

-3rd, consider their age; too young and they probably won't have any levels before they take over as lead; too old and they won't be lead for very long. Ideally, personally, I go for an heir that will be ~1.5-2 years old when they take over.

-4th, stats; stats do influence your lead's ability to battle, with different stats effecting some different things (I don't know them off the top of my head, but I've always heard strength is very important)

-5th, level; having a higher level on your heir will give you more talents immediately and either unlock or get you closer to unlocking the specials and chased NBWs and battle trophies if you care about such things. My recommendation is to set your heir to Scout, as they earn levels faster than other roles (though hunters apparently earn stats faster).


Posted 2023-12-05 00:45:26
I'll look into it, thanks!

Posted 2023-12-05 01:39:26
No problem. If you really need a suggestion, I had a moment to take a look at your wolves, and just based on everything but appearance (since that's a personal taste thing), I would say Lichenheart fits most of what I said honestly. She's one of your highest stat wolves (just from quick glance), already a scout and level 4 so far, and fairly young at a little under 1.5 years.


Posted 2023-12-05 03:44:04
Yeah, I was thinking she's the one. Thanks for your help!

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