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Development Update #25

Posted 2023-11-07 16:19:40 (edited)
I do think increasing chances might be nice, or at least if that's not an option adjust the prize rates a bit? All my friends have been getting around 100sc (personally got 60) from 1600+ scores and it's mildly disappointing

Though fwiw if those were the two options I'd strongly prefer raising chances to be twice or even thrice a day, makes it more fun and takes more effort

[🌈] Aspen !!

Posted 2023-11-07 16:24:22
I like the once a day submission but it sounds like the prize balance needs slight adjustments. I lucked out and got an RMA for my high score so felt pretty happy, but if I'd got 100sc instead I'd probably feel a bit put out too since I can get higher in the slots multiple times a day. But in general I really like how the new game plays and it's one of my favourite types of mini game so I'm happy it's in wolvden!


Posted 2023-11-07 16:26:32 (edited)
But people play this game for literally no prizes what-so-ever outside of Wolvden. This game exists on phones and other site's with this game where it's played just for fun or to pass the time. It's an older type of game that's been around for a long time. As you said, " I've had a blast playing it all day." Of course it would be great to submit multiple times. But Wolvden's economy of many people submitting multiple times each day is what needs to be considered. Not necessarily personal enjoyment connected to prize potential. And I'm sure the devs here have the prize tiers and submissions set as what they are for a reason.

So, keep the Grove items or a Grove item tier to one submission and maybe increase submissions for the other tiers is fine by me. I more or less only have beef with the abusability of the higher tiered prizes if submission amount is increased without editing how that final tier is handled individually.

Trippy πŸ₯žπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2023-11-07 16:26:36 (edited)
As someone who was super excited to play this game, it seems a little... meh. I've never been a huge fan of the "one and done" mini game set up on lioden. Mini games are meant to keep players busy on ur site. Something fun/extra to do. Which yeah, I could just play it to play it but when its a game INSIDEΒ  a game, I'd like to have some kind of incentive for it. To effect the bigger, overarching game I'm playing (Wolvden). Having 3 scores sent in a day, or even once an hour with chances of getting really good prizes lowered more seems more fun. At least I'd feel like I can keep working at it, y'know.


Posted 2023-11-07 16:34:12
@Trippy - Wolvden exists as a game for people to have fun playing. I don't think that personal user enjoyment should come after the economy - the economy will adapt. This is especially true considering the way the prize odds are set up, with the better prizes being more rare even in the higher tiers. I really doubt adding a couple more submissions will Destroy The Economy.

I agree with Remmie - games are meant to be played, and of course the games on the site should be connected to the site. It would be a lot more fun to submit a couple more times and just have the odds of getting a good prize lowered (which seems pretty low already).


Posted 2023-11-07 16:34:29 (edited)
If going for the twice or thrice a day approach a small price could maybe be added to playing to prevent cheating for the second and third times? Not much, maybe similar to the slots price, so newbies can easily get their two/three tries in but cheating wld be more costly

[🌈] Aspen !!

Posted 2023-11-07 16:41:26 (edited)
Of course not. You are right. But we are playing Wolvden for Wolvden. We aren't playing here just for Code Breaker. Code Breaker is a tiny addition to somewhere you've already been playing and enjoying.

The economy wouldn't likely be destroyed, no. Especially since these prizes are mostly consumables. But if everyone were doing the abusable thing and able to get at least x1 good Grove item each day, on a large scale -Β  those items become less valuable depending on fast they are used. But, if at a sizable scale with folks cheating, it could discourage folks from donating to the site if they can say... pick up RMAs for a devalued price compared to the Grove. I'm not saying all Hell will break loose from changing the # of submissions.

I'm just saying events and possibilities should be considered. And that's why I brought my point up originally.

Trippy πŸ₯žπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2023-11-07 16:49:27
@Trippy - Exactly, we are playing Wolvden for Wolvden. If i wanted to play Codebreaker just for fun, I'd download an app. If I'm playing Codebreaker on Wolvden, then I want it to impact my Wolvden experience. Which obviously the devs understand because they added the prizes in the first place!

Okay, then lower the chances of getting a grove item a little! It seems about the same as getting one from the slots anyways, from what I'm seeing.


Posted 2023-11-07 16:50:09 (edited)
I do understand that exploitation is possible, which is why I feel that instead of a cap on the submissions, it should be a cap on the expensive grove prizes, and once you've tried for those with one submission, it's locked to SC (and maybe small things like the amusement bundles) rewards. Then we can play and submit multiple tries, but it would prevent exploitation of the expensive earnings

I just dislike the game feeling like a one shot before being useless for the day, as mini games are supposed to exist not only for prizes, but a way for players to pass time while they've got nothing else to do - if there's absolutely nothing to be gained, it falls short at that since it's just a waste of time after one submission


Posted 2023-11-07 16:58:29 (edited)
Right, that makes complete sense. I don't disagree with that at all.

I think whatever the chances are right now at getting a Grove item are just fine. I don't disagree with that. I only have an issue with submission # on only Grove Items. My problem is not with the game as a whole and prize percentage or what is offered. And the solution to that is limiting a single daily submission to that tier only, as the game sits currently. And since we don't have multiple submissions now or yet for any other tiers - that's my only beef. I'm in full support to up SC payouts a bit or # of submissions for other tiers.

PS: Your den name is *chef's kiss*

Yaaaas! Exactly.

Trippy πŸ₯žπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ