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Breeding Male

Breeding Male
Posted 2023-10-28 17:34:39
Hello I'm new been only playing for a couple days. I have 10 wolves 2 pups from the tutorial.

I know you have to make one make the breeding male and he will be permanent so I'm just curious on how to chose the make you want to be the breeder.

Do I need to pick the best stats, best personality, coloring?

I would appreciate any feedback, advice or what you did thank you so much!

Posted 2023-10-29 04:56:12
Hello there and welcome to Wolvden :D

Having a breeding male is entirely optional and you can choose to make a wolf your breeding male at any point (if you don't already have a breeding male, of course) so there's no rush.

Honestly, everyone has different preferences for their own breeding male. Personality doesn't matter much and can actually be  changed with a small fee, but higher stats and rarer coats (Tier 3 and Tier * coats - the tier of your wolf's coat can be viewed on their profile) are generally more sought after. Having a non-inbred and low generation wolf are also priorities for a lot of people - you can view your wolf's family tree under the 'family' option on their profile. Some people just want pretty looking breeding males, regardless of those other factors. I suppose it depends on what you want from pups - do you want higher stats, to make activities such as hunting easier? Are you breeding purely for aesthetic value and to fill your den with pretty wolves? Or maybe you want to make a profit  by selling your pups to other players! It's entirely up to you :)

A little further down the line, you can make your breeding male a stud: other players will be able to breed their female wolf to your breeding male for a fee. This is entirely optional, and you don't have to turn your breeding male into a stud at all, but if you're trying to make money a lot of people will do so by making a stud. Again, rare coats, low generations and higher stats are the most desirable traits in a stud. People also search for studs with a lot of markings, and certain eye colours which may be a bit rarer. So if you're looking to make money from a breeding male by turning him into a stud, I'd aim for those traits. If you'd like a more in-depth explanation of what to look for in a stud, I can expand on that. But, at the end  of the day, choose whatever makes you happiest and fits your style of gameplay best!

I know Wolvden can be overwhelming at first and it can feel hard to 'catch up' as a new player, seeing all the fancy things older players have. Remember to just focus on having fun! If you have any questions please let me know, whether they're related to breeding males or not, and if you ever need any supplies for your wolves (food, toys etc) don't be afraid to ask! Hopefully I helped clear things up for you a little bit :)


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