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Community Update #111

Posted 2023-09-29 22:11:48
It would be great, 1) if the items of the Lunar Event could be used in the elixirs. 2) the ability to send herbalists to other biomes, at least to neighboring ones.


Posted 2023-09-29 22:14:45
I read the white document of the Herbalist change ideas and I LOVE it! Having 3 herbalists?? I'm SO down. I have lots of wolves with no role and no place to do anything other than breed and look pretty so this would give more jobs in my pack! Now if we could add a few more scout slots that's be great too as that's how I max out my wolves before giving them a role🤣

Posted 2023-09-29 22:15:27
Agreed with FallenVirgo; new players and small packs would only need a little bad luck to be absolutely wiped out by a more serious/contagious illness, and potentially going through tons of herbs and time just to make one simple healing item would be horrible, especially for new or busy players.
Jack Noir (They/It/He)

Posted 2023-09-29 22:18:31
I haven't quite made up my mind about the new herbalist suggestions but I do have one very important request: somewhere on the herbalist or diagnosing illness page, there NEEDS to be a tidbit about quarantine caves. So so many players don't know that they can quarantine their sick wolves to avoid getting the rest of their pack sick.


Posted 2023-09-29 22:27:00
Man, my feelings jumped around a lot here so lets see if I can get it all out in a concise and understandable way.

As a player, it feels terrible to have a fully trained wolf fail. Even "~5% chance of failure (per brew)" at 100 proficiency is infuriating. And only 10% of success at 0 Proficiency? Forget all the new players coming in I guess? I think the current system of proficiency = time to forage / craft / what have you works much better. It doesn't punish new players, and it doesn't frustrate long time players. The system we have now is comfortable, and while it could be improved, I staunchly believe this is the wrong direction to take it. This applies to herb gathering as well. I'd much rather a guarantee of fewer herbs than "well you can get a lot but some of them might be broken." It doesn't add anything dynamic to gameplay and just makes things annoying at best. Unless Herbert would like to trade maybe nine damaged herbs for one good herb of your choice.

If we are going to tie levels into the herbalist role, there needs to be a drastic overhaul to the herbalist experience system. My current herbalist has been one since he aged to 1 year old. He is almost six and a half and is only about 60% of the way through level 16. There's no chance he hits level 20 before he dies, and his replacement is already 3/4ths of the way to level 18 as a scout, and he isn't even 3 yet.

Having RNG tied to diagnosing costs is also insanely frustrating. I would much rather have the guaranteed free diagnosis at 80% than having a chance for it all the way up but never a guarantee. I have 10 hunting teams and get through a minimum of 40-60 hunts most of the days I roll. That is a ton of Open Wounds to diagnose and having to pay for that is going to make me stop healing them, period.

Separating medicine (et. al.) making into a separate roll also just doesn't make sense when it work just fine how it is. Why not have four herbalists but only three can forage at a time and only one can mix medicines at a time? I don't particularly mind the new system for discovering recipes, but I much prefer the current one. Those little "trial" medications are great for new players and taking that away just makes things harder on them. Especially if they cant see what herbs belong to what recipes before hand so they at least know what they need to study if they have a random flea outbreak.

And I'll say it again, if levels are going to matter to the point that critical features are locked behind them, the experience system for herbalists as is needs to be seriously overhauled. I use Cure-For-Alls in place of most remedies as they're the smarter option for where I am in the game. Other herbs can be used in one "objectively" correct choice (flea meds for the itchy racoon in lunar, cough meds for the bird or our lead also in lunar, anything that would take away herbs from healing salves, etc.) Having to wait until whichever wolf is in charge of that is level 15, which likely means when their 5 years or older in the current system, would cripple my play style. Would the leveling system also take away the extra use of healing salves guaranteed at 80% proficiency currently? It's far, far easier to get a wolf to 80% proficiency than it is to get them to level 20 in any non-lead role. This feels especially punishing.

Potions, elixirs, and augmenting just feels weird and unnecessary in this current proposed state. As does really anything involving November and February items. What if you didn't play those months? What if you run out? SOL until the next year? Mercy of the TC? It's going to make the divide between the players that can play constantly and the ones that cant even stronger, especially if there are stat and experience recipes. I would personally much, much rather November and February items be reserved for more "optional" content, such as decoration and background crafting.

I'm going to decompress and read over the document again later and hopefully edit this post to provide some more thoughts, but this is just what immediately came to mind on a first read through. I immediately greatly dislike these changes as is, and from reading the thread I'm not the only one. Please don't rush into this.

💀 Maladi idalaM 💀

Posted 2023-09-29 22:27:25 (edited)
I like the idea of the changes, separating the tasks and expanding the role has been something I wanted for a will.

Things I would add/change;
-Change "alchemist" name to "Apothecary" - I think this would fit in to the aesthetic of WD better.

-Damaged herbs seem pointless unless they are used somewhere else
        *my suggestion would be to use them in "medicine bundle" and have it give 5pts of health

-I'm not sure if level locking Rich healing salve/cure for all is necessary
        *I think if you just the amount of herbs need like the rest of medicines would be enough

-I'm not entirely sold on "potions" seems redundant with the effects that are being suggested.

- I like the idea of "elixirs" much more. I like that they will be more expensive and the name "elixirs".
            *I don't think we need anymore stat boosting effects to be honest. I rather just having something to boost EX and an increase to the level cap.
              * would be cool if there something to give a small increased chance of breeding mutations, rare markings/eyes, etc

-Event items
          * I like that it will give a new uses to these items, but I think that they should be use solely for augmenting, herbs and gems.  Making the event herbs an ingredient  in elixirs would lock players out making them if they don't play the events or runs out. However, augmenting meds/elixirs to increase potencies is entirely optional. 

I really like what is being suggested, overall I think it would be a great addition.


Posted 2023-09-29 22:28:02
ew. lol i feel like this is just making things more hard and complicated. Hate the idea of damaged herbs and the chance of failing. This game is already on the harder side. Also, now it takes MORE energy and takes almost the exact same time, (30 instead of 35) *but* only if my wolf has 500 wisdom??? my current one only has 162 wisdom at level 9. So would levelling be changed to make it easier and faster to gain wisdom? Cause from what I understand, it's only till your wolf is like lvl 12, and has 500 wisdom,  that makes these changes really helpful.

Like the idea of being able to have more than one, even if it was just 2 like how scouts are now. Plus "Medicine Bundle" sounds nice for little scapes, instead of wasting a healing slave. Potions and Elixirs sound promising maybe.

So I guess...where I'm at, with reading the doc and everything, can we just keep herbalists as they are? Perhaps add medicine bundles....Also, agree as others said "alchemist" doesn't sound right, doesn't fit. I'm apprehensive, to say the least.


Posted 2023-09-29 22:29:37
While I like the idea of separating out the foraging and mixing aspects of herbalism, I don't like the alchemist role. It feels to magic-y.


Posted 2023-09-29 22:29:47 (edited)
I'm not a fan of the proposed changes, since I notice that nothing is mentioned about boosting herbalists' exp gain from what it is currently. As-is, a dedicated herbalist can't reach level 20 in their lifetime through normal play (even for an extremely online person like me). It's a deadweight role. I'm not looking forward to having four deadweight wolves instead of one.

I also agree with prior comments saying that decoupling smarts and wisdom is inconsistent and annoying. Since they're together for hunting purposes, people specifically breed for that stat combination and it makes sense to keep it together.

I do like the idea of stats influencing the role to give an incentive and reward for stat breeding.


Posted 2023-09-29 22:31:02
i feel like people forget how  confusing and daunting this game can be from a new players perspective. there are a lot of things to navigate as-is , so i dont think i like this proposed update.

i agree with all the comments saying that it would just make the game confusing, frustrating, and inaccessible for a lot of casual / beginner players. i am in favor of having 2 herbalists— one who specializes in gathering and the other who specializes in medicine making—but neither are confined roles . if damaged herbs become a thing, at least make them remnants that can be used to create items, or like 10 damaged herbs of a certain type gives the opportunity to use it in place of 1 … that way hope is not all lost.

the idea about level-locking certain medicines makes me feel disappointed, plus my herbalist would probably die before reaching level 15  based on the current ratio of xp

I think itd be cool of potions and elixirs were things that the herbalists can stumble upon / craft by chance during special events. That way when magical things are happening, the wolves get magical items. or maybe there can be a spectral alchemist that appears during those events. it makes more sense and in my opinion.

excited nonetheless