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🍗🥩The Food Bank🥩🍗

🍗🥩The Food Bank🥩🍗
Posted 2023-09-12 10:39:11


How it works:

1.) Some one will type something in the chat and I will have a list of free foods up here and they will say what kind of food they need.
2.) They would write who (or if there is no one specific) that they are talking about.
3.) Someone (or me) would give them what they needed.
4.) Whoever gave to them, I would give them a gift either sc, gc, or a gift.


1.) You can privately or here message me and tell me if you want to donate.
2.) You can after asking me to donate, you can post it or ask me to.
3.) You can give currency to me or others.
4.) Tell me if you don't want something
5.) Tell me what you want


1.) You can't give without letting me know.
2.) You can't beg over and over and over for things. If I do not answer I am probably busy or not online.
3.) You can't ask for the same thing if someone already has it unless there is some leftover.


1.) Be respectful
2.) Be openminded and think about others and not just yourself
3.) If you are doing this for the gifts, please think about everything else I have to get done, Wolves, Other threads and raffles, and much more!!
4.) Please be patient. I may not always be able to answer right away.
5.) Have FUN!!!!

I hope you ALL enjoy coming to the FREE 😊 FOOD BANK!!!! Have fun!! Let's get started!! 🍨🍨🍨🧁🧁🍫🍫🍬🍬🍭🍭🍡🍡🍩🍪🎂🍰🍯🍯🍮🍮🍧🍧🍦🍦🥧🥧Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

Posted 2023-09-12 14:07:24
Hope I'm doing this correctly, I was offline for a while and I need some quick food! all of it rotted lol


Posted 2023-09-13 07:23:07
Shepherd- Most certainly. I have been in that situation plenty of times, I know exactly how you feel!!! I will check your den and see how much you need and send some right away. I hope your okay. I am sending some food now.

BTW. there is not really any right or wrong way to  do it. you just have to ask for food. I hope you enjoy!!!

Posted 2023-10-02 01:18:04
Idk if this is closed but it won't hurt to ask, right? I really need food! All of mine rotted and my wolves keep failing their hunts...

Posted 2023-10-02 03:54:16
I suspect this is closed but I'll send you what I have spare anyway :)


Posted 2023-10-05 10:03:18
Hello, this is not closed whatsoever. I have actually been waiting for somebody/people to reply BOFORE I closed it. So thank you. You technically just kept the Food Bank up and running!!! Anyway,

Newtster- No, this is not closed. But I will definitely send some food and whatever I can RIGHT AWAY!

Ninsun [Lights On🎃]- No, same for you, this is not closed. But thank you for sending what you can, I do appreciate it.

I hope you do both have a wonderful evening/day. Anyway, just to let you all know, sometimes I get too busy and forget to send your things or reply. So I always like a reminder. (Well a kind one of course) Last thing you probably want to know is, I don't always have food, I mean I have food now, But when I don't, please bear with me, and I WILL reply soon. Have a marvelous Thursday!!

Posted 2023-10-05 10:07:07
Whoops, sorry, that will teach me to make assumptions haha! Glad it's not closed and thank you for running it ❤️


Posted 2023-10-05 10:09:00 (edited)
Yup!! It is okay, we do it all the time!! There is nothing wrong with it. (only the good ones) Hahaha! Anyway, your welcome, do you want to know the reason and how the idea even came to my head?? It is well kind of funny.

Posted 2023-10-05 10:10:06
Go on, I'm curious! I think it's a great idea


Posted 2023-10-05 10:15:51
Ok, Well it all started one morning when I had to go to the Food Bank to get some food it you know what that is. Anyways, I arrived, they put the food in my car then I went home-MY SAFE SPOT/ROOM!! haha! Anyway, I was at home, got on Wolvden and was eating something from the food bank. So I thought to make a chatter topic but thought to myself, "Man, What should it be about!!??" So then I thought for about 30 MINUTES WHICH SEEMED LIKE AN HOUR!!! But anyway, I was eating... Oh, a muffin from the food bank. And I kept thinking about how nice those people are to stand outside for hours giving people food, and I was like. That's it, I could name my topic, The food bank, where everything is free and I willingly and happily give to those in need. So yeah, pretty funny to me!! But yeah that's how this place topic was created!!

Once again, your welcome for making it!!

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