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coding archive, please ignore / do not post.

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:37 (edited)
xx - or - xx


587(and rising)

carrier status:


#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)
#0 - Marking Name Here (00%)

Skin: color here
Nose: color here
Claws: color here
Eyes: color here


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc auctor libero dictum lorem egestas, a tristique lacus iaculis. Etiam tristique maximus lorem, vel hendrerit tellus facilisis quis. Phasellus pulvinar congue tortor ac sollicitudin. Integer tincidunt pharetra viverra. Donec sodales faucibus ipsum, ac pharetra massa malesuada ac.




code by #202

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:39 (edited)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt nisi eget rutrum fringilla. Vestibulum dictum sem a erat pharetra tristique. Maecenas nec est id nulla rhoncus blandit in nec purus. Pellentesque blandit a leo id placerat. Nunc tristique rhoncus justo sit amet dapibus. Vivamus maximus nisi a massa ullamcorper vulputate a a nunc. Proin aliquam felis a erat euismod ultricies. Morbi cursus porta ligula.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt nisi eget rutrum fringilla. Vestibulum dictum sem a erat pharetra tristique. Maecenas nec est id nulla rhoncus blandit in nec purus. Pellentesque blandit a leo id placerat. Nunc tristique rhoncus justo sit amet dapibus. Vivamus maximus nisi a massa ullamcorper vulputate a a nunc. Proin aliquam felis a erat euismod ultricies.


  • list item here
  • list item here
  • list item here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt nisi eget rutrum fringilla. Vestibulum dictum sem a erat pharetra tristique.

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:41 (edited)

🙝 title here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lorem velit, fermentum sit amet arcu et, elementum dignissim elit. Curabitur venenatis consequat arcu, nec vulputate nulla sodales nec. Aenean interdum massa ut purus ultricies convallis a vel purus. Etiam et mauris eu enim ultricies vehicula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean vitae enim ut sapien varius elementum. Phasellus nec diam non nisi iaculis porta. Fusce congue eu arcu vitae aliquet.

🙝 other title here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lorem velit, fermentum sit amet arcu et, elementum dignissim elit. Curabitur venenatis consequat arcu, nec vulputate nulla sodales nec. Aenean interdum massa ut purus ultricies convallis a vel purus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:42 (edited)

artwork by Joshark #44441


ar·​dent | \ ˈär-dᵊnt

Definition of ardent

: characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity

A piece of the sky seeks shelter in the earth. The swallowing expanses of unreality have long haunted this wanderer, and he dreams of little more than rest. He promises otherworldly boons to all who encounter him. What may he offer you, curious stranger?

  • Unique 10-marking composition featuring four Event-exclusive markings, the Event-exclusive Azure eyes, and the stunning Diorite base.
  • Leaderboard-worthy stats with specialty in Strength and Agility. Perfect for Finisher-type hunters, Rainforest scouts, leads expecting to use the Latch attack often, and more.
  • Private lineage with only immediate parents and no further. The now-deceased parent pairing has exactly two living offspring: Arden himself, and a male which will permanently reside within Arden's pack and never become a stud. Arden can become integrated into your bloodlines with absolutely zero risk of inbreeding.
» breed now «
» visit profile «

※ traits

Azure eyes
Marbled skin
Pink nose
Black claws

※ markings

  1. Luna Ornate Blotches (75%)
  2. Selene Lupos (100%)
  3. Luna Smudge Heavy (80%)
  4. Selene Ornate Spots (100%)
  5. White Marbled Unders (100%)
  6. Red Smudge Heavy (20%)
  7. Red Smudge (20%)
  8. Beige Half Socks (100%)
  9. White Predator (100%)
  10. White Trim (100%)

default appearance

stud slots

If Arden's stud slots are out, you are expected to pay the extra 2GC via a Gift so I can add a slot for you. You may also wait for the next Monday for the slots to refresh automatically. I post refresh reminders every Monday in this thread, feel free to subscribe for a reminder if you choose to wait.


I accept mixed payment involving Lucky Feet (5 per GC) and Healing Salves (12 uses per GC). Simply send a stud request for the full price, and then send me a Private trade containing the items, with the buyout being the amount of the price you wish to deduct with item payment.

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:45 (edited)

an otherworldly encounter...

🗕  🗗  🗙


🗕  🗗  🗙

A piece of the sky seeks shelter in the earth... the swallowing expanses of unreality have long haunted this wanderer, and he dreams of little more than rest. He promises otherworldly boons to all who encounter him.


🗕  🗗  🗙

◆ Approach him (breed to him now)
◆ Follow him (visit his profile)
◆ Ask of his origins (visit his heritage)

  • Unique 10-marking composition featuring four Event-exclusive markings, the Event-exclusive Azure eyes, and the stunning Diorite base.
  • Totaling more than 1300 stats, with specialty in Strength and Agility. Perfect for Finisher-type hunters, Rainforest scouts, leads wanting an edge in battle, and more.
  • Private two-generation lineage with only immediate parents and no further. The now-deceased parent pairing has exactly two living offspring: Arden himself, and a male which will permanently reside within Arden's pack and never become a stud. Arden can become integrated into your bloodlines with absolutely zero risk of inbreeding.

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:46 (edited)


Your Profile or Den page will be full of content defined by several different selector names. You need to know those names before being able to do anything with them. Here, we will go over some, but not all, selectors of a Profile or Den page.

The "body" is a basic HTML element that is a container of all other elements within it. It is the "backdrop" of the webpage. Any declarations made to body may affect everything else on your page, so this is a proper place to put "universal" rules for all parts of the webpage to adopt, such as font. You may also put background-related rules to change the background of your Profile or Den here.

This is a custom-named element that encompasses the topmost section of the webpage. The #header section contains three more distinguishably-colored sections.

The black bar. It contains the site navigation, and space for the floating site logo.

.navbar-main a.nav-link
Each individual link of the site navigation.

.navbar-main a.nav-link .fa
The icons at the left of each individual link of the site navigation.

The blue bar. It contains your currencies, and links to your messages and Modbox.

The gray bar. It contains the breadcrumb (the page hierarchy of your current page) and the bookmark tab.

This is a custom-named element that encompasses the leftmost section of the webpage.

#sidebar .card
Each "section" of the sidebar.

#sidebar h4, #sidebar h3
The heading text of each "section" of the sidebar.

#sidebar .progress
The bars indicating your lead's vitals, such as energy and hunger.

The filled-in energy bar.

The filled-in hunger bar.

The filled-in health bar.

The filled-in EXP bar.

#sidebar .btn-danger
The "Report a Bug" button.

This is a custom-named element that encompasses the "main" white section of the page. It contains several parts, namely your pack and user information.

The main section's heading text. This could be your pack name or your username, depending on the page you're viewing.

The main section's navigation bar, which includes links to both your den and Profile.

.nav.nav-tabs a.nav-link
Each link of the main section's navigation bar.

The current "active" link of the main section's navigation bar.

Any notifications or alerts at the top of the page.

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:48
makin some more room, reserved post here

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:50
makin some more room, reserved post here

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:51 (edited)
- nothing here sjfhsdfkljggs -

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-09-03 10:35:53
makin some more room, reserved post here

*barks at you*

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