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Styx's Guide to Generations

Styx's Guide to Generations
Posted 2023-09-03 07:47:06 (edited)
So first, what is Generation?

So Generation is well how long your wolf's lineage is. A G1 means that it is a NBW, or in other words, have no parents recorded. A G2 only has its parents recorded and no grandparents or any further, and so on.

Shorter Generation vs Longer Generation

Why, in some players' Point of View, shorter generations are better?

First, the longer the Generation, the more likely it is for two wolves to inbreed. Say two G1s. There is no way their offspring can be inbred, but imagine a G24xG24 litter. That is a LOT of wolves to sort through to see if the wolves will have inbred offspring.

Second, it's thought to be more of a challenge for players. So a random example: A G13 Caribou Novus Piebald would be easier to breed compared to a G2, as it requires its parents to have the characteristics directly (so its parents have to have piebald applied, while the G13's parents could have it easily passed down), if it makes sense.

Last, it's... just prettier for its lineage to be shorter, because like would you really want to be pelted by tens of hundreds of names when you click open lineage and it takes you a month to find the end of it?

However, there are others who feel that longer generations are better.

Once again, it is for the challenge. As mentioned, longer generation breeding has a greater chance of inbreeding*, so it might be a kind of personal achievement to see a high-gen but non-inbred wolf bred by you.

It might also be because longer generation wolves' lines are more sentimental to their owners, perhaps related to one of their first wolves. As a result, such lines carry the weight of many beloved wolves that can only be remembered by the lineage.

Though, it is worthy of note that both sides are simply personal opinions and none of the reasons stated directly affects gameplay. Thus, it is up to you whether you shorter-generation wolves or longer-generation wolves... or don't care at all.

So these are most of the reasons to the question and I hope this helps <3 Good luck with your wolves!

~ Styx

P.S.: If anyone needs me to clarify anything/has anything to add please do comment below! All replies appreciated thx!

*Inbreeding refers to the breeding of two related wolves. This does *not* affect gameplay directly

*Edited: Thank you to Only #10175 for pointing my mistake out!
Styx [SemiHaitus]

Posted 2023-09-04 09:30:09
I mean shorter isn't 'better' just easier to sort through and quicker. If anything it's more of a challenge to breed clean with longer lines, not shorter. Also the 'prettier' the lineage is very subjective, for example I think longer lines without inbreeding is prettier and more of an achievement.

It's a bit unfair to write up this as a user guide for newbies without making it obvious that it's just your personal preference and isn't any better than any other style of play. Otherwise you might end up putting unnecessary pressure on new players to play a specific way, even if that's not your intention.


Posted 2023-09-04 18:22:20
@only it better?
Styx [SemiHaitus]

Posted 2023-09-05 02:19:47
Much better and even, thank you!


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