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CLOSED ❈ Pup Parade ❈ Chase pups for prizes!

CLOSED ❈ Pup Parade ❈ Chase pups for prizes!
Posted 2023-09-01 06:34:08 (edited)

Welcome to the Pup Parade!

So...what is the Pup Parade?

For those of you new here, the Pup Parade is a raffle where to earn tickets you chase pups! It's that simple! You can buy pups off the Trading Center and chase them after their cooldown to earn tickets, as well as chase unweaned pups, or even chase the mom nursing unweaned pups! We also accept adolescents!
Each pup is worth a base of 1 ticket, so if you chase 5 puppies you earn 5 tickets.

INCENTIVES: Pups with these traits earn extra tickets!
1-4 raffle markings: +1 ticket

5-8 raffle markings: +2 tickets

9-10 raffle markings: +3 tickets

TIII base: +1 ticket

So, let's say you chase a pup (+1) with a TIII base (+1) that has 5 total raffle markings (+2) you have earned a total 4 tickets for that one pup!

For those who want to get rid of pups but don't want to participate - Go ahead and name your trade "Pup Parade Bundle" so those participating can find them!
For those who want their pups to go to good homes and don't want them to go to Pup Parade - Please name your trade "To Good Home" or something similar. Those who participate please *DO NOT* purchase these Trades. If I find someone has purchased these pups, their tickets will not count. - Please note I am trying things out to make things fair for both sides. This is a test run and if it turns into a big issue then I won't continue the Pup Parade. I want everyone to have a good time, regardless of whether they're participating in the Pup Parade or not.
Any trades that do not have "To Good Home" in the name are fair game.


Raffle Prizes

1 GC
5 GC
10 GC
5x 200 SC
1x Abomination Base App
1x Artemis Base App
1x Moss Base App
1x Beaver Blood Moon BG
1x Black Sage
1x Blue Moon BG
1x Fearsome Eye App
1x Eye Changer
1x Marking App
1x Annwn Marking App
1x Luna Marking App
10x Swan Feathers
10x Wolf Skulls


How To Participate

1) Please LINK the puppies/adolescents or, (in the case of a lot of pups/adolescents) the den they are in here on the thread.
2) WAIT until I give you the okay to chase.
3) Once I give the okay to chase, chase them and come back to let me know you have chased them!
4) Once you confirm they are chased, I will updated your ticket count.



Can I win multiple prizes?

YES! The more pups you chase, the more tickets you earn, the more chances you have to win at all of the prizes here!

How long will the Parade last?

From the time of this posting, players will have 1 week to submit and chase all entries!

❈ Lavender | T3 Breeder ❈

Posted 2023-09-01 06:34:26 (edited)


BrainsDivided#10596                      [1-6, 7-17, 96-101, 131-138, 269-273, 321-330, 529-539]         
TitanKiwi #122060                          [18-22, 208-221, 274-278, 544-565]
♰ Emo Mama ♰ #25702                  [23-65, 139-187, 331-364, 400-432, 602-614]
Uva #100703                                    [66-91,307-320]
emerald #123850                              [92-95, 188-207, 365-399]
🌠 Ŵ𝘺𝘳𝘥𝘸𝘶𝘭𝘧 🌌 #27999              [102-130, 222-234, 279-283, 566-585]
🖤Inner Equinox #28168                [235-253, 254-268, 586-601]
Ninsun #127528                              [284, 638-641]
Nightmare #125403                        [285-286] 
Lore #26730                                    [287-306, 615-620] 
🌱Sealife (It/They)🌱 #60985      [433-528, 642-652]
Pyro #116757                                    [540-543]
Freya #89813                                    [621-637]

**Full transparency, as I was doing the raffle drawings I noticed there was an error in some of the ticket counts. I did a full scan and fixed everything so the numbers should be correct now.

❈ Lavender | T3 Breeder ❈

Posted 2023-09-01 06:34:34 (edited)

Raffle Winners!

1 GC



5 GC

♰ Emo Mama ♰ #25702


10 GC

Freya #89813


5x 200 SC



🌱Sealife (It/They)🌱 #60985


Lore #26730


♰ Emo Mama ♰ #25702


emerald #123850


1x Abomination Base App

🌱Sealife (It/They)🌱 #60985


1x Artemis Base App



1x Moss Base App

🌠 Ŵ𝘺𝘳𝘥𝘸𝘶𝘭𝘧 🌌 #27999


1x Beaver Blood Moon BG

♰ Emo Mama ♰ #25702


1x Black Sage

Lore #26730


1x Blue Moon BG

🖤Inner Equinox #28168


1x Fearsome Eye App

🌱Sealife (It/They)🌱 #60985 


1x Eye Changer



1x Marking App

🌠 Ŵ𝘺𝘳𝘥𝘸𝘶𝘭𝘧 🌌 #27999


1x Annwn Marking App

♰ Emo Mama ♰ #25702


1x Luna Marking App

emerald #123850


10x Swan Feathers

🌠 Ŵ𝘺𝘳𝘥𝘸𝘶𝘭𝘧 🌌 #27999


10x Wolf Skulls

Lore #26730


❈ Lavender | T3 Breeder ❈

Posted 2023-09-01 06:55:20

I'll link others later if that's okay, I'm at work currently! Just figured I'd drop these by :) This is my first time with this sort of thing :D

Posted 2023-09-01 06:59:44
@BrainsDivided Checked! Looks like 6 tickets for 6 puppies, no incentive attributes. If that looks correct, you're free to chase

❈ Lavender | T3 Breeder ❈

Posted 2023-09-01 07:03:14
Chased!, thank you :)

Posted 2023-09-01 11:46:21
Okay, and now all of these pups and adols too pretty please :)

Posted 2023-09-01 11:58:50
@BrainsDivided Checked! Looks like 9 pups, two with raffle marks, so 11 tickets total. If that looks correct you're free to chase!

❈ Lavender | T3 Breeder ❈

Posted 2023-09-01 14:20:51
All chased now!

Posted 2023-09-01 15:58:12
The five apprentices in this den. None have raffle marks.

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