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Development Update #24

Posted 2023-08-25 19:07:05
The new pose looks so depressed Lolol I love it regardless we needed more poses

Posted 2023-08-25 19:22:41
lovelovelove the nesting pose so much, it's super realistic that the wolf looks sleepy and is hiding their belly! they are pregnant after all. must be hard work <3 super cute and i can't wait to see my wolves with it


Posted 2023-08-25 19:34:58
Woah great update!! I'm loving all of this!

Posted 2023-08-25 20:01:20
"We have effectively removed the timer - you can now fish continuously instead of waiting 10 minutes to submit a fish, although new fish will spawn slightly slower (i.e. 2-4 seconds slower)."

Does this sound awful to anyone else? This is going to increase time-drain on the player, not reduce it. With limited fish each day, you will want your best fish to go towards that counter. With slower fish-spawn times, it will be harder and longer to get those fish, as sometimes you go through dozens of garbage fish before ever finding a good one. Add 2-4 seconds to each of those garbage fish catches... those are going to add up. Before you could catch anything (because unlimited fish-submission is superior) and go off to explore while the timer ran out, but now you will be spending that down-time waiting for fish to spawn instead, locked on the screen. Does not sound like a good trade-off to me at all, and this from a rather active fisherwolf.


Posted 2023-08-25 20:51:04
@Gniwolf - I just tested this out and I caught 10 of my fish in 8 minutes. Which also included tossing several back and missing two of them. That's miles faster than what it used to be.

If you are trying to find the best fish then it will take longer no matter what for you to get your fishing done.


Posted 2023-08-25 21:17:20
@Gniwolf -Have to agree after my brief experience with the new fishing it seems like it's going to take way more time than before. If the time between spawns would be faster than would be better.

Love the base though and the new decors. I've been waiting for a Cool or mono craftable base. So glad it's here, and the color is lovely. Great update.
Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2023-08-25 21:18:07
Speaking of new poses, I would love to see a pose once the wolf gets older, maybe? Or maybe a pose when they have low HP? Just thinking off the top of my mind here

Posted 2023-08-25 22:16:08
I was wishing for a caribou base wut?! Yay.

🇬🇧 LollyBugz 🏵

Posted 2023-08-25 23:31:45

I was just fishing while watching a 25 minute long video, as I have some spare time. (Something I wouldn't have done before, so that's already an improvement imo.)

In the past, that would've only been 2 fish and waiting to turn in the 3rd. Now, I was able to turn in 7 - 6 were rares and 1 was an uncommon. I'm on mobile too, so that's even with failing a good 5+ times. The update makes utilizing optimal weather far easier. 3 of those rares were during dawn, which only made up a few minutes of my time.

In regards to being locked on-screen, that's up to the fisher. I'll fish when I have nothing else going on, there's now freedom to come and go without being stuck to a timer.

I think it ultimately depends on how picky you want to be with catches. As of now, it seems better than it was.


Posted 2023-08-25 23:46:33
Oooooooooo mono T3 app base! I'm looking forward to a cool group one in the future!

The wolf in the last picture looks so great!
But just to me it doesn't look like a pregnant wolf? When I saw that the picture hadn't read the text yet, I didn't realize it was nesting pose.
