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Paint's Traveler Wolf Record [DNR]

Paint's Traveler Wolf Record [DNR]
Posted 2023-08-01 18:17:31 (edited)
This is just post to keep track of all the traveler wolves that have entered & left my pack as of 7/31/23!


❆ Snowfall ❆

User/ID: π“Šπ“‹Ό PaintbrushSkies π“‹Όπ“Š #49576
Pack name: The Green Aster Pack
Date joined: 7/31/23
Date left: 8/1/23
Decor added: "[USA] Rhode Island - Oceanfront Beach", "Cottonwood Seeds [Scarce]" & "Ebony Jewelwing"
Lore (optional):
Snowfall found himself wandering along the coast of the tundra, playing with various shells and beach-side critters. He was crawling in the dead reeds, when Snowfall spotted the perfect target for his foolishness; a small flock of seabirds he wasn't quite sure the name of.

With a newfound rush of energy, he bolted out from the reeds directly towards the unnamed birds and quickly decided he would try his very best at catching one, if he was going to spend all this time travelling by himself he might as well put it to good use, after all! Unaware of the small rock bed in front of him, he ran forward expecting a smooth and flawless mission, but he stumbled and fell into the cold stones and sand, getting a plentiful taste of the beach. The birds seems to laugh and mock at him as they scattered away, and with a noticeable disappointment Snowfall shook his fur out and stuck his tongue out at those damned birds. It hardly helped to fix his bruised ego.

But then, he heard an unexpected voice laughing at him, very unlike the sea-bird's cackle. He swiveled his head with a bewildered look, and saw a sleek, tall wolf approaching him with a slowed trot. The wolf introduced herself as Saturn, while still giggling to herself. "It's not funny!" Snowfall defensively half-yelled at her, but in response the strange new wolf named Saturn just laughed more, not taking him seriously at all. "If your intention was to catch 'em, you should've been patient! Although I'm not much of a hunter, so who knows really" She half-chuckled to herself. She had a slow, stern and honey-like voice, though with a touch of exhaustion and leadership.

Saturn paused and thought for a moment, "Although.. What are you, a lone pup doing out here? Where are your parents? Your pack?" Snowfall seemed saddened yet excited at the same time, "I'm a.. traveling wolf. I want to explore away from the pack I was born in, Warriors of Hyrule, but it's been very boring so far." Snowfall slowly explained, not entirely sure why he was trusting this wolf he had just met, but she seemed well intentioned. Saturn perked up and exclaimed, "Well, I'm sure my leader wouldn't mind letting you stay awhile! Maybe you could stay with us!" She beamed and lightly wagged her tail at the idea, and Snowfall was excited at the opportunity, "I would love to stay with you and your pack! But.. I thought you were leader?" Saturn giggled as if it as a silly thing, "A lot of wolves tend to think that, but no, I'm just a scout," She quietly smiled, "but c'mon, we should get back before sundown!"

After some small talk, they got on their way to "The Green Aster Pack", according to Saturn it was going to be a long hike as they were located all the way in the grasslands! Snowfall wasn't quite sure where that was but he knew it was very far away, but he was exited at the chance to travel so far away and enjoyed Saturn's sweet, somewhat motherly personality. Overall, the trek there was certainly a good adventure.



User/ID: π“Šπ“‹Ό PaintbrushSkies π“‹Όπ“Š #49576
Pack name: The Green Aster Pack
Date joined: 8/1/23
Date left: N/A
Decor added: "Cryptid Den", "Pasadena Oak Branch" & "Ebony Jewelwing"
Lore: TBA

π“Šπ“‹Ό PaintbrushSkies π“‹Όπ“Š

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