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🌿Rhyme's Lore Grove🌿 (Writing Commisions! OPEN!)

Posted 2023-08-10 07:37:38
whatever you think is best! I dont have much ideas for him


Posted 2023-08-23 03:58:54
So... I'd like 2 commissions if possible?

One is basically a description of how their religion works (they have a whole thing with the Moon). I'll explain in PMs if you want.

The other would be a poem. It would be the one used in naming ceremonies. It needs to reference the Moon, and how the (pups turning adolescents) need a name because Nature didn't kill them when they were young.

Posted 2023-08-23 05:46:51

Woah, that sounds really cool! I'd love to do both!

Fancy Rat

Posted 2023-08-23 06:28:27
Nice! Contact me if you need more infos or if you have questions!

Posted 2024-01-01 12:32:47
Hello again!! Still open?


Posted 2024-01-01 13:32:43

Sure am ;)

Fancy Rat

Posted 2024-01-01 13:37:23
You take mixed currency? If so 1gc=350 sc is still your conversion rate?


Posted 2024-01-01 14:39:43 (edited)
This was from a year ago, the current rate in the trading center is nearly 1gc=500 (yikes)

I'll change it to 450sc

I will absolutly do mixed currency!

Fancy Rat

Posted 2024-01-02 18:48:09 (edited)
Ah the conversion rate sure did raise a lot in just a year yup

Soo could you write one 1000-1700 words novel about my beloved boy and new leader Marbled

I wrote lore about a ceremony for the new leader could you take it as example
You can read it all under the spoiler or in my den page
The ceremony for the new leader is Underground Crystal's most important one. Even though its start meant the incoming death of the current leader every wolf was cheerful as they thought that a good leader in life would pass away peacefully and watch over the pack together with the ancestors.
The ceremony lasts a month, in which wolves eat and play as much as they want and every night wolves sing at the moon hoping to get a blessing of good luck from the ancestors for the next leader. Twice in that month the leader and the beta, during the ceremony will have the same powers as the leader and manage the pack together, go to the current territory's closest spiritual place, usually a gemstone mine or a tall mountain to pray the ancestors to protect the next leader. During the ceremony pack wolves celebrate each day having fun and taking a break from their roles while the old leader and heir together with the herbalist, first hunters and first pupsitter spend their last days together, away from other pack members. On the last day the leader would wear accessories decorated with their stone and would then leave the pack and start a journey to the place where they were born or where they joined the pack to pass away alone where everything started. that last day, to mourn their leader, every wolf is silent, avians stop singing and the pack fasts until the next day. At the first lights of dawn the new leader, sitting in a place overlooking the pack will name the new chosen "heirs" : the herbalist, a pupsitter, one wolf from each hunting party, either stalker or finisher and a no-role wolf and as tradition rename them with a gem name.

( Opal )

Could you write about Marbled and Opal during the ceremony about marbled that is worried of becoming a leader and sad about Opal (Marbled hides his emotions to the other wolves, he is malicious towards other wolves but Opal)  then after he becomes leader at first he doesn't put any effort into his role but with time he starts to take it seriously and turns out to be a very good leader  and then about how Agate and Swift, the samson fox, met and how Swift helped Agate with his role as leader and overcome Opal's death and they become almost as close as Marbled and Opal before

Other lore I made about Marbled and Swift you can use it as example
Lore under the spoiler or on Marbled's bio
Swift and Agate met when Agate, still a new leader was patrolling his territory, looking for any possible treaths for the pack, followed by his dove, Aiki. He soon picked up a scent, a hare, and hungry he decided to follow it. Walking low, hidden by bushes and guided by Aiki he slowly got closer to the hare, he was some steps away from his snack when out of nowhere a fox attacked the hare, stealing his prey. Agate jumped, landing on the fox and grabbing it by its neck but the fox struggled and maneged to get free running away with the hare in his mouth. Agate could not sopport someome stealing his food. Chasing the fox was difficult, it was fast and agile, and clearly knew the territory better than Agate, but agate was smarter, he sprinted, moving to the left forcing the fox to change direction and soon the fox found himself at a dead end, the path blocked by a huge rock and Agate just behind him. The fox, having nothing else to, do dropped the hare bowing and whining to the wolf, hoping that his life would be spared. Now Agate had time to look at it well: it was smaller than other foxes and had a unusual brown very short fur, and a long slim tail, he had never seen such a strange fox, and for sure it wasn't a animal that lived in that biome. The fox was also fatter than every other fox Agate has ever seen, apparently it did not have any problem looking for food: maybe he was a very good hunter or perhaps he was a very lucky fox. Usually Agate would've killed an intruder like that already, even if its meat was of no use, Agate did not sopport thieves, so that fox should've been dead already but Agate saw in him something special. Noticing that the wolf was unsure, the fox used the moment to speak: he started pleading for his life asking to le wolf to let him go. It did no effect on him so the fox tried to offer him a deal instead: he would hunt hares for him everyday, only if he spared his life and let him live in his territory. Agate was deciding the fox' fate  he was about to chose to just end the fox's life and leave. His dove, Aiki, had been watching everything from a tall branch, he flew down, landing on Agate's head, whispering on his ear about what he tought: he too found the fox had somehing special. Agate offered him another deal, the fox was agile and knew the territory well, with his help they would've been able to hunt bigger prey, buying the fox's loyalty in exchange for sparing his life, of course he accepted. At first  both Agate and Swift still didn't trust each other and together only hunt rabbit or other small prey, but their trust and skill grew with time hunting toghter Aiki, Swift and Agate: the eyes, the brain and the strength, even tought Agate was not a hunter anymore since he became leader he was still one of best hunters, and if before the food they hunted was enough food only for them three now they were able to locate very large prey, bulls, even, for the hunters of the pack to hunt down, Gaining pack member's trust and respect and slowly learning to be a good leader, just like Opal.

I literally wrote the lore at 3am so sorry in advance if you'll find like the worst english you'll ever find and not understand anything
Also sorry if I just dropped all the lore here lol

I don't know if all of this fits into 1700 words so just ask me for anything
I think that's all but I am very likely forgetting something anyway if you need to know anything just ask!

Thank you! ^^


Posted 2024-01-02 22:30:48
3am lore goes hard, I've got plenty myself! I'd love to write about Marbled again! Happy New Year btw

Fancy Rat

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