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Breeding male

Breeding male
Posted 2023-07-11 09:07:54
I have a breeding male that is public. I have no incoming stud requests and I am done. I need to know if anybody will pay the price to breed your female to my male so I can get currency so you all can help me out. I have 37 silver cones I know I am just low on currency right now. So I have thought of a way to make it more fun. Whenever someone breeds with my male they will get a mystery prize (optional). So once again, whoever has been waiting for pups or to breed your wolves. I can fix that problem right here right now. Thank you for helping!!

Posted 2023-07-14 16:33:57
You should probably check out the Stud threads and see how your stud compares. I haven't seen your stud, but theres a lot of things that come into play when wanting a popular stud.
I would reccomend creating a stud page or stud thread so you'll be able to advertise your stud along. Even if your stud is public, no one will see unless you post him around specially in the stud chatter. Good luck!

Posted 2023-07-15 10:00:31
Well you know what you know how I might do it is where whoever wants to breed to my breeding male (I will send a link of the breeding male in the next message) They can just tell me and I send a link of their wolf to me and how many times they want to breed because there is a limit. And then they will send me the wolf and I will breed them and after their pups are weaned I will send both the pups and their wolf back to them.

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