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NEW character re-design contest!

Posted 2023-06-19 12:48:00
pretty sure it is!!


Posted 2023-06-19 13:21:48
yea still going on! i had to extend the time period actually so yea :D

cool guy

Posted 2023-06-19 14:30:15

Am not really happy on how it came out and it doesn't help that am currently having a creatively block.
But I was trying to go on the patchwork route with this design.Β 
πŸ”† Fox_fang 🦊

Posted 2023-06-19 14:30:29
Wait link didn't go through.
πŸ”† Fox_fang 🦊

Posted 2023-06-19 14:32:29

Here's the picture.
πŸ”† Fox_fang 🦊

Posted 2023-06-30 07:18:09
just wanted to say this is still on goign im hopeing to pick the winner before any school opens

cool guy

Posted 2023-07-11 17:33:50
Very late to this
Uh is this still open πŸ‘€? I presume it is since you haven't made a reply/edit that said winners were being selected or there was a winner selected
If so then I will be joining in- gimme some time to brainstorm redesigns as I normally do with my own OCS πŸ’ƒ

kat | i heart women

Posted 2023-07-11 19:21:43
yea its still open!

cool guy

Posted 2023-07-11 19:43:33
Alr, neato, 'cause I started the drawing like, right after I commented πŸ‘Œ
Sorry my cat drawing skills are a bit janky, I've been hyper fixing on drawing wolves lately
That ! on the chest is in reference to the ! in their name, whoa. Gotta love hiding secret messages.
this dude is symmetrical btw

kat | i heart women

Posted 2023-08-05 16:54:31
after some long months its finally over! drum roll for the winners....

cool guy

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