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Looking for feedback

Looking for feedback
Posted 2023-05-30 00:54:57
I've been working on creating my first piece of custom decor and was hoping on getting some feedback. Especially since I've really been struggling on rendering cloth in the wolvden art style


Posted 2023-05-30 01:17:05
great decor idea I must say! your metal rendering looks fabulous, but the problem is your cloth rendering. I notice there are a lot of folds and it does not look "natural". I feel as though there wouldn't be as many folds and it would be rather simple rendering. it also lacks some soft shadows, as it's cluttered with a lot of hard shadows right now.
while it does matter what material it has been made of, you generally want to simplify the folds. here's a clothing decor I had accepted that does not contain many folds but still looks like clothing (mostly sleeves, as they are the only thing that "flow", while the rest is supposed to stay in place).

here's a quick mockup I've done based on your decor that would simplify what you wanted to make.
I hope this has been helpful! I'm not much of an expert on clothing, but this was my take on it


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