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Kasatka's Achievements

27 / 245 achievements earned

Recently Earned Achievements

Herbal Wanderer

Forage 10 times.
Earned on 2024-02-29 23:39:00
Category: Pack

Lucky Streak

Win 10 battles in a row.
Earned on 2024-01-21 12:03:43
Category: Battling

Level 15

Leveled up your lead wolf to level 15 for the first time!
Earned on 2024-01-21 09:34:32
Category: General

Wanderlust Warrior

Take 10,000 steps in explore.
Earned on 2024-01-21 01:43:53
Category: Exploring

First Foot Forward

Take 1,000 steps in explore.
Earned on 2024-01-21 01:43:53
Category: Exploring

Making Friends

Socialize your lead wolf with at least one pack wolf.
Earned on 2023-08-22 07:02:58
Category: Pack