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🌌⭐Lilith🌃🌙's Wishlist

This is 🌌⭐Lilith🌃🌙's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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A Halo from the Corrupted [Eyeless]
An offer from the ones who've seen the other side. They've been changed... but they know—everything. And they are willing to share the knowledge. Will you accept?
Note: Halos are cool (also for Bloodied Moon)
A Halo from The Forgotten
You feel like you've seen this ethereal creature before... Or maybe you're just imagining things. Either way, you're sure this time you won't forget-... Wait, forget what?
Note: Halos are cool
A Halo from The Forsaken
There will always be someone willing to help, even when everyone else has forsaken you... Think before you accept this offer, though.
Note: Halos are cool
A Halo from The Lost Ones
You feel an odd familiarity when gazing upon this wolf. You've been looking for them, haven't you? Perhaps stay cautious though, it seems a reunion with a Lost One isn't always what you want after all.
Note: Halos are cool
A Halo from the Seekers
Upon setting eyes on this wolf, you feel an intense urge to wander and search, search, search. What are you looking for? You're not sure, but you cannot rest until you find it.
Note: Halos are cool
A Halo from The Seers
Something strange has awakened within your wolf—it might be better to stay away. Or, perhaps, you could ask them for a favor in exchange for something else...?
Note: Halos are cool
An acorn. Fun to play with and chew on! It's a bit like pine cones—it can be used as currency with other scavenging animals you may meet whilst exploring.
American Crow
How do you focus with that thing cawing in your ear?
Note: BIRD
Bearberry can be found in colder biomes. It can help with cleansing the intestines from toxins or parasites. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Note: One of the harder herbs for me to get
Blood of the Immortal Enemy
Do you fear the consequences of vanquishing the undead? (Commissioned by #27549)
Note: For Bloodied Moon
Buffaloberry can be found in northern prairies and forests. It is useful for calming a tense stomach. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Note: One of the harder herbs for me to get
Creosote bush, also known as Chaparral, can be found in desert shrublands. The properties of this plant are ideal for fighting snakebites. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Note: One of the harder herbs for me to get
Claw Applicator [Corrupt]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Corrupt.
Note: For Eclipsing Light
Crow's Wings [Black]
A pair of shiny black wings.
Note: These would look awesome on Haunting Night...
Eye Applicator [Lux]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their eye colour to Lux.
Note: Cool Eyes