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Remedy's Wishlist

This is Remedy's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Green Ravine
You can learn every path easily when the ravine has hundreds of unique landmarks: fallen trees, exposed roots, small streams, and other fun stuff like that!
Heather Fields
Heath is a protected shrubland habitat of Great Britain.
Hidden Cloak
Hide amongst the crowd.
Ice Tunnel
Flowing waters can carve ice caves and tunnels within big glaciers.
Jurassic Coast
Located in England, the Jurassic Coast reveals the events of ancient history with the countless fossils that are embedded within the rock formations.
Lacandon Jungle
This large montane rainforest of Central America is full of wildlife. What if a wolf is hiding in there, somewhere? Only you can find out!
Lights Over Water Trail
These northern lights are made of essence. It's slowly falling across the mountains and almost bouncing off of the surface of the water.
Loch Lomond
A Scottish lake with scattered islands, rumoured to be populated by fairies.
Lonely Lunar Tree
A massive oak casting shadow over the essence-covered prairie.
Long Range Mountains
The Appalachian highlands of Newfoundland are home to a dense woodland. Will it be your home, too?
Lunar Cenote
Hidden water pool going deep into the rocky rainforest cave system.
Lunar Tundra
This vast steppe is decorated with a mosaic of water, lichen, moss, and rocks. When the lunar influence is strong, everything lights up and becomes alive.
Lush Abiding Growth
Foliage has taken root in exposed bones in a curiously beautiful reminder of life as an endless cycle.
Night Creek
The gentle bubbling of the water as it winds through the trees is peaceful and serene. Won't you stay for a while? Can only be obtained at night.
Night Palouse
These rolling hills are fertile and contain lush growth that humans once cultivated, but they're long gone from here now. Can only be obtained at night.