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Chikunia's Wishlist

This is Chikunia's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Black Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 4 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.
Blue Moon
Blue Moon isn't really blue - it's just another full moon within one month! This item appears in Raccoon Wares every month featuring two full moons (in real life). (This refers to Calendar Blue Moon event).
Blue Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 5 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.
Burned Forest
Looks like a wild fire went through these woods.
Custom Decor Creator
This item allows you to submit a custom decor for Wolvden's artists to review. Your decor must follow the guidelines and art style linked in the item's page, which displays upon use. This information is available in the sticky topic in the Art forums!
Food Bundle
A bundle of food! This package will grant you two to three random carcasses of an average size.
Note: Food in general is always good!
A tasty plant that packs an unexpected ZING! This item will replenish your chosen wolf's energy to 100%.
Note: God damn you energy bar...
This item will make a wolf immortal - it will never age or require care, but cannot be bred or given a role. It will never die. The wolf must have a breeding cooldown of less than 16 rollovers & no role or pairbond. You must have a free immortality slot.
Note: Life is cruel - Jellyfish to the rescue!
Lucky Foot
If used during a fight, this item will sway luck in your direction.
Note: Bunny mom 😍
Lush Abiding Growth
Foliage has taken root in exposed bones in a curiously beautiful reminder of life as an endless cycle.
Medicine: Healing Salve
This salve is used to heal some of the smaller injuries your wolves may gain.
Mutie on Demand: Patches Split
This applicator will apply the Patches: Split pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Pose Variant [Sentinel]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Note: Love this pose so much
Recipe: Base Applicator [Badger]
Learn the recipe to be able to craft the Base Applicator [Badger]!
Note: Someday I’ll get it! Someday…
Recipe: Base Applicator [Fox]
Learn the recipe to be able to craft the Base Applicator [Fox]!
Note: Someday I’ll get it! Someday…