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HunterPup13's Wishlist

This is HunterPup13's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Swift Fox
Swift Fox from the plains!
Swift Fox Kits
Swift Fox kits from the plains!
The Sídhe: Barghest
This mythical ghost-dog is from English folklore and is an omen of death.
The Sídhe: Cat-sìth
A spectral cat from the Scottish Highlands. It's as large as a dog and could steal a passed one's spirit.
The Sídhe: Gwyllgi
An apparition of a black dog from Welsh folklore. This hound is an omen of a horrible death.
Three Howling Wolves
Fits your girthy frame, has wolves on it.
Total Lunar Eclipse Jaguar Cub
In South America, a long, long time ago, it was believed that a jaguar was eating the moon, causing it to turn red from the blood.
Twinkling Forest Path
A gentle breeze carries lunar essence throughout the forest. You take a moment to admire the pulsating sky, visible above this small clearing.