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ꁴꍏꀤ꒒ꌩꈤꊼ's Wishlist

This is ꁴꍏꀤ꒒ꌩꈤꊼ's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Ogham Emblems Bodywear [Silver]
You can’t quite make out what the inscriptions mean, but they make you feel important.
Note: elvira
Ogham Emblems Headwear [Silver]
With these little bits of knowledge draped across your head, it’s no wonder you’re the most intelligent wolf around!
Note: elvira
Old Oil Lantern
A rusty old oil lantern to help you find your way, even on the darkest of nights.
Pasadena Oak Branch
Take a rest within the shade of a big oak.
Note: Mali
Pherish Fur Body
Glowing pattern with overgrown fur clumps - a typical feature of Pherris influence.
Note: Harusa
Pherish Fur Head
Glowing pattern with overgrown fur clumps - a typical feature of Pherris influence.
Note: Harusa
Pose Variant [Sentinel]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Prismatic Foliage Frame
What a lovely place to rest! Part of the prismatic set.
Rotten Ice [Day]
Ice crystals covering the foliage are melting from ground up, creating a dangerous, deceitful surface, ready to trap you in the cold mud.
Note: elvira
Ruffed Grouse Feather [Female]
Pretty feather to decorate your fur with!
Note: Muscato
Sagarmatha's Light
A strange celestial light paints one's fur with an ethereal glow...
Note: For Xiaro
Scattered Foliage [Dry]
Some dry leaves, twigs, and petals are scattered around.
Note: Mori
Shimmering Primal Pelt
Thick fur, long tail and large, bear-like paws are a great adaptation to living in the most harsh environments there are.
Smoky Quartz Necklace
A necklace made with chunks of Cairngorm, a variety of Smoky Quartz.
Note: Mori
Swift Fox Kits
Swift Fox kits from the plains!
Note: Mori