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RoseBlueberry's Wishlist

This is RoseBlueberry's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Body Blush Makeup 2 [Albino Only]
The more subtle illusion of pink skin peeking through their white fur.
Dark fur extensions
Subtle fur extensions and tufts for dark furred wolves. Commissioned by #6510.
Note: | Needed! |
Lince Fur [Albino only]
Extra fur for the head, similar to the lince's
Note: | The item I cherish the most! |
Lumen Fur Tufts [Black]
Extra fur tufts will warm your wolf in cold winters! ...and ear tufts just look cool.
Polymelia Survivor [melanistic]
Despite having deformed extra limbs, this wolf has beat the odds and made it to adulthood.
Note: | I want it |
Winter's Kiss [Albino]
Brr! As the seasons shift, your wolf's fur grows thicker to keep warm.
Note: | Pretty! |