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🪐♑Fae♑🪐's Wishlist

This is 🪐♑Fae♑🪐's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Ice Tunnel
Flowing waters can carve ice caves and tunnels within big glaciers.
Island Scrub Jay
Rare Jay from Santa Cruz Island, near the coast of California. It dwells in local woodlands.
Jurassic Coast
Located in England, the Jurassic Coast reveals the events of ancient history with the countless fossils that are embedded within the rock formations.
Kazan River
This Canadian river is scarred by strong rapids and many lakes.
Kissimmee Prairie
A prairie with a tropical twist.
Klamath Basin
These vast wetlands with multiple lakes are a refuge to a variety of bird species. They make for great hunting grounds!
Large Rocks Decor
Some rather big rocks in the background.
Lichen-Covered Rocks
Soil? Nutrients? No need!
Lights Over Water Trail
These northern lights are made of essence. It's slowly falling across the mountains and almost bouncing off of the surface of the water.
Loch Lomond
A Scottish lake with scattered islands, rumoured to be populated by fairies.
Loch Ness
A Scottish lake famous for its elusive cryptid creature, the Loch Ness monster. The Urquhart Castle and its surrounding ruins create a mysterious vibe on the shoreline as well.
Lunar Anole
A lizard resting on a rock, soaking in the essence.
Lunar Chickadee
A very curious tiny bird.
Note: 1
Lunar Chipmunk
Tiny chipmunk sat down to eat some essence-covered nuts.
Lunar Deciduous Forest
An endless woodland where the barely-visible moonlight shines through the thick canopy. When the lunar influence is strong, everything lights up and becomes alive.