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🌹Bella🥀's Wishlist

This is 🌹Bella🥀's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Braidbeads Light
This wolf's fur is soft enough to make lovely braids in. (This version works best for white coats)
Bright Eyes and Baby Blep
What's cuter than puppy dog eyes? Puppy dog eyes and a cute little tongue blep.
Budding Corruption [No Eye-Glow]
Your wolf is turning into a Heartless... But perhaps there's still hope?
Cain Cosplay
Brought to you by the SyntheticHumor Boutique! Your wolves can be feeling both Floofy and Fabulous in no time with this stunning Cain Cosplay! *SHB is not responsible for any cockiness resulting from looking so great....
Candy Cane (Mouth)
Mmmm minty! --- [Only available for purchase during December]
Candy Cane Antlers
Does this mean your bones are made out of candy cane?______Only available for sale during December
Cape of the Desert Strider
This sleek, spotted bobcat pelt is adorned with a pair of impressive preserved vulture wings and the skin of a snake. Its tail decoration still rattles gently when moved.
Carrionflower Herb Crown
Carrionflower leaves and stems woven into a crown.
Carved Stone
This beautiful carved work is likely Celtic in origin.
Cat Companion: Kwibus
Custom decor commission for Appelsap #18083
Cat Companion!
A feline friend for your wolf!
Cat Eyes with Liner
Dear little cats, come out tonight.
Catch of the Day
Show off your newest trophy!
Celestial Canid (Harlequin)
blessed by the gods of the universe the celestial canids came to be. Their mystical pelts hold the secrets of the past present and future very few exist but if you do meet one they say good fortune is to fall upon you.
Celestial Swirls [White]
Stark white pigment adorns your pelt in swirling, looping patterns. [Request recolours!]