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MochiDog's Wishlist

This is MochiDog's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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- Magnificent Sunlight -
Special sunlight decor for Magnificent Rockies background!
A Halo from The Seers
Something strange has awakened within your wolf—it might be better to stay away. Or, perhaps, you could ask them for a favor in exchange for something else...?
Anniversary! Tala's Welcome
This is the place where Tala welcomed all the new pack leaders to this world.
Atavori's Sunlight
Take up the marks of Atavori, whose sacred light dapples her pelt and glows as warmly as the light of the sun. [Recolour requested by #27930]
Daydream Lighting (Wolf)
Pairs with another decor.
Lunar Lightning
Seems like the lunar domain has granted you a newfound power. (Commissioned by #27549)
Motherly Lighting [Pure]
Pure light shines upon your wolf. Are they possibly a deity?
Serene Swamp
A beautiful, quiet swamp with willows weeping their purple leaves into the calm waters.