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🛴's Wishlist

This is 🛴's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Base Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their base into another common or custom base of your choice.
It smells like fire and ash. When prepared, it can soothe digestive problems.
Note: For healing salves and diarrhea cures
Claw Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour into another common or custom claw colour of your choice.
Eye Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their eye colour into another common or custom eye colour of your choice.
Kissimmee Prairie
A prairie with a tropical twist.
Note: For one of my wolves
Lucky Foot
If used during a fight, this item will sway luck in your direction.
Note: For maxxing out on LT during lunar events
Marking Applicator
Use this on your chosen wolf in order to add a common or custom marking of your choice in any available slot. The new marking's opacity will be randomised between 50-90%.
Note: So I can customize my next heir!
Marking Opacity Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change the opacity of one of their markings. You can choose any value between 1-100%.
Marking Removal
Use this to remove any marking of your choice from any slot on your chosen wolf.
Medicine: Healing Salve
This salve is used to heal some of the smaller injuries your wolves may gain.
Note: So I can beat up the local wildlife
Nose Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their nose colour into another common or custom nose colour of your choice.
Random Marking Applicator
This applicator will let you fill a slot on your chosen wolf with any random common or custom marking at a random opacity. BUT! There is a super rare chance to receive a rare-type marking, such as event, raffle, RMA-exclusive, etc.!
Note: So I can add good marking to my first albino pup!
Recipe: Skeletal Remains
Learn the recipe to be able to craft the Skeletal Remains decor!
Note: I just think this decor is cool and would prefer to make this rather than bone decor
Skin Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their skin colour into another common or custom skin colour of your choice.