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Bonehilda's Wishlist

This is Bonehilda's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Curse of Seven Ravens
Your wolf seems to have angered the wrong bird and is now cursed! They've begun to grow feathers from their face and tail. The healer has managed to slow the process down, but your wolf is still growing feathers. Are they... turning into a bird?
Death Spirit
Is he a friend or an enemy. Can you trust him? Decide what you do and find out.
Demon Eyes
Perhaps this wolf isn't what you thought it was..
Demonic Wings (Black)
No Demonic Wolf is complete without them!
Divine Tendrils
Pure divine energy, coalesced into a writhing mane.
Eternal Slumber
You can admire this Elk's eternal slumber. Perhaps even make a den around the very magnificent bones...
Skeletal Remains
Some remains of decayed prey.