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Arwen's Wishlist

This is Arwen's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Mutie on Demand: Piebald Frontal
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Frontal pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Mutie on Demand: Piebald Torn
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Torn pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Mutie on Demand: Piebald Uneven
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Uneven pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Nesting Material
This soft nesting material is perfect for your pregnant wolves. One of these is good for one full nest.
Night in the Forest
Night falls fast during the winter, and the forest becomes eerily quiet.
Nose Applicator [Grime]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their nose colour to Grime.
Nose Applicator [Mud]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their nose colour to Mud.
Nose Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their nose colour into another common or custom nose colour of your choice.
Pasque Flower
Use this on your chosen wolf to temporarily add 10% fertility until their next successful breeding. This can be stacked with multiple Pasque Flowers until your chosen wolf hits 100% fertility, but you cannot cancel out the effects with Juniper Berries.
Pose Variant [Relaxed]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Pose Variant [Sentinel]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Purple Roe Antlers
These distinctive antlers are the perfect thing to help you blend in among the herd. [November only]
Random Marking Applicator
This applicator will let you fill a slot on your chosen wolf with any random common or custom marking at a random opacity. BUT! There is a super rare chance to receive a rare-type marking, such as event, raffle, RMA-exclusive, etc.!
Raven Cliff
This dry forest descends along the hillside. Distant croaking sends shivers down your spine.
Remnant: Acorn
You saved some scraps of an Acorn - they might be useful!