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Butternutbannana's Wishlist

This is Butternutbannana's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Rocky Den
A classic den among some giant rocks. Harsh elements won't be a problem!
Root Cave
Skilled wolf paws prepared this place for your pack. The roots keep the walls stable.
Sandstone Cavern
Massive cavern drilled by ancient waters and winds, as if the world prepared a perfect home for you long time ago.
Serene Lair
The sun shimmers between dangling flora onto the warm rocks. You belong here.
Twilightcaller [Jellyfish Decor]
Custom decor made for Translucent Jellyfish version. Divide day and night, He will guide you the way.
Vine Growth Den
An overgrown den. The chance to be noticed inside is low, but sometimes some annoying insects crawl inside.