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🍀Clover🍀's Wishlist

This is 🍀Clover🍀's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Forest Fox
A Crab-Eating Fox adult!
Forest Fox Kits
Crab-Eating Fox kits!
Frog Friend
I think he likes you!
Full Time Herbalist - Stained Fur + Dandelions
Herbalist who works full time and maybe stained their fur. Its okay they have all kinds of colorful patterns now!
Note: Looking to stock up on these so I can keep them on my herbalists after death and still have some for the living one!
Gray Fox Kits
Gray Fox kits!
Herbalist's Backpack [Plain]
A convenient canvas pack for all of your storage needs.
Note: Looking to stock up on these so I can keep them on my herbalists after death and still have some for the living one!
Lunar Weasel
These lunar creatures have dream-like features.
Opossum baby companion
This fuzzy creature seems to be clinging really hard to your fur.
Pendant [Lunar Tear]
The essence has been stored in a glowing lunar tear. This beautiful pendant will guide your ways.
Note: Looking to stock up on these so I can keep them on my herbalists/leads after death and still have some for the living ones!
Red Squirrel
It knows you have acorns...
Spectacled Flying Fox Pup
Your wolf appears to have a permanent attachment to its chest.
Swift Fox
Swift Fox from the plains!
Swift Fox Kits
Swift Fox kits from the plains!
Total Lunar Eclipse Jaguar Cub
In South America, a long, long time ago, it was believed that a jaguar was eating the moon, causing it to turn red from the blood.
White Clovers
It appears that luck isn't on your side, but in your fur!