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🪻🌙Moon🌙🪻's Wishlist

This is 🪻🌙Moon🌙🪻's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Great Swamp Refuge
The Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge can be found in New Jersey. This beautiful deciduous wilderness is a safe place from any dangerous water reptiles.
Green Ravine
You can learn every path easily when the ravine has hundreds of unique landmarks: fallen trees, exposed roots, small streams, and other fun stuff like that!
Hoh Rainforest
A temperate rainforest located near the Rocky Mountains, shaped by ancient glaciers.
Hubbard Glacier
This is an incredible sight in the Yukon. The glacier reaches the sea, where it calves floating icebergs from time to time.
Hudson Bay
A massive region with a variety of wildlife. When winter comes and ice enters the bay, polar bears wander further south to hunt.
Hunting Barn Owl
This prairie or grassland seems to be a perfect spot for Barn Owls to swoop down on their prey!
It's noisy, wet, and cold! The strong winds make you dig your claws into the ground.
This unique structure is built by the native peoples of the Arctic region. You could use them as landmarks to find your way in the empty plains of the tundra.
Kazan River
This Canadian river is scarred by strong rapids and many lakes.
Kissimmee Prairie
A prairie with a tropical twist.
Klamath Basin
These vast wetlands with multiple lakes are a refuge to a variety of bird species. They make for great hunting grounds!
Lacandon Jungle
This large montane rainforest of Central America is full of wildlife. What if a wolf is hiding in there, somewhere? Only you can find out!
Lava Cave
A massive crack in the ground revealed a cave with pockets of active lava. What a warm place to live in!
Lonely Lunar Tree
A massive oak casting shadow over the essence-covered prairie.
Lunar Blue Grass Hills
Blue Grass Hills are covered with fog caused by falling essence.