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πŸŒ–β˜„οΈMarsπŸŒ™πŸŒ”'s Wishlist

This is πŸŒ–β˜„οΈMarsπŸŒ™πŸŒ”'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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White-Tailed Hawk
This Hawk must have some sort of connection with your wolf, they are very friendly towards them and seem to like the packs company as well.
Windswept Cherry Blossoms
Yeah, definitely spreading.
Winterfat can be found among the shrublands of deserts, mountains, and the prairie. It is useful for dizziness and many skin ailments. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Wolf Blood
Applying this item to the female wolf before breeding will give a small chance for a puppy in her next litter to develop a recessive mutation.
Wolf Meat
Female wolves that consume Wolf Meat before their next breeding have a higher chance that a puppy in their litter will develop a random spontaneous mutation.
Wolf Scrotum
Any wolf that consumes this item prior to breeding has a higher chance that a puppy in their litter will be born with the same mutation that they have.
Women Want Me Fish Fear Me
Happy fishing!