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TrAns-CatS's Wishlist

This is TrAns-CatS's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Flickering Forest
The late afternoon sun rays hit the leaves and trunks of mixed trees. Damp air, smelling of autumn, fills with the blue shade of the approaching night sky.
Frozen Forest
This forest seems frozen in time. The trees are probably dead, covered in eternal frost.
Glowing Alaska Stream
This refreshing, sparkling stream can be found in the vast, cold tundra.
Glowing Jungle
Tropical stream is flickering with fireflies which are gathering around glowing flowers.
Golden Hills
As the sun hangs low over the horizon, much like a mother wolf, the sun rays lick the grass and turn them into golden fur.
Hudson Bay
A massive region with a variety of wildlife. When winter comes and ice enters the bay, polar bears wander further south to hunt.
Kazan River
This Canadian river is scarred by strong rapids and many lakes.
Klamath Basin
These vast wetlands with multiple lakes are a refuge to a variety of bird species. They make for great hunting grounds!
Lacandon Jungle
This large montane rainforest of Central America is full of wildlife. What if a wolf is hiding in there, somewhere? Only you can find out!
Lava Cave
A massive crack in the ground revealed a cave with pockets of active lava. What a warm place to live in!
Lunar Cenote
Hidden water pool going deep into the rocky rainforest cave system.
Lunar Cumberland Plateau
A breathtaking view! You can almost see lunar essence falling slowly from the cliffs down into the forest.
Lunar Glacier
The ice traps the lunar essence inside, causing a glow from within. When the lunar influence is strong, everything lights up and becomes alive.
Magnificent Rockies
Beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains, straight from the peaks.
Marking Applicator
Use this on your chosen wolf in order to add a common or custom marking of your choice in any available slot. The new marking's opacity will be randomised between 50-90%.