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Ebony's Wishlist

This is Ebony's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Anniversary! Festive Ear Holly
A wonderful festive holly accent to place on your wolf's ear.
Anniversary! Festive Neck Hollies
A wonderful festive wreath made out of winter plants to decorate your wolf's neck with.
Anniversary! Festive Tail Mistletoe
A wonderful festive tail wrap to accentuate your wolf's rump.
Anniversary! Festive Tala
Tala is celebrating welcoming all the new fantastic pack leaders to Wolvden!
Anniversary! Festive Winter Forest
This place is covered with fresh snow and seems amazing to support a big pack of wolves. It is adorned with layered stone terraces to sit on.
Anniversary! Tala's Welcome
This is the place where Tala welcomed all the new pack leaders to this world.
Antarctic Eclipse
Is it a vision from another world, or did a Lunar trail lead you all the way here? This appears in the Lunar Shoppe only during Lunar events happening over Antarctica - you may not see it for years.
Eclipse Penguin
A special being from the world where there's no trees, wolves or rabbits. Appears in Lunar Shop only during Lunar events happening over the Antarctica - you may not see it for years.
Elk Bull Mask [Melanistic]
Magnificent mask constructed from Elk scraps.
Lunar Glacier
The ice traps the lunar essence inside, causing a glow from within. When the lunar influence is strong, everything lights up and becomes alive.
Magnificent Rockies
Beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains, straight from the peaks.
Mirthful Meadow
What a peaceful bit of land! It seems like nothing could disrupt your rest here.
Moonlit Meadow Path
The moon is rising over the lands. The sky is almost as bright as it would be in the daylight.
Night in the Forest
Night falls fast during the winter, and the forest becomes eerily quiet.
Night Palouse
These rolling hills are fertile and contain lush growth that humans once cultivated, but they're long gone from here now. Can only be obtained at night.