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Elzu's Wishlist

This is Elzu's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Hollow Tree Den
Some extra digging and a small cave can become a comfy den.
Hubbard Glacier
This is an incredible sight in the Yukon. The glacier reaches the sea, where it calves floating icebergs from time to time.
Ilkley Moor
Known for its famous “Cow and Calf” rock formations, this site has also had strange sightings of strange, glowing lights...
This unique structure is built by the native peoples of the Arctic region. You could use them as landmarks to find your way in the empty plains of the tundra.
Kazan River
This Canadian river is scarred by strong rapids and many lakes.
Klamath Basin
These vast wetlands with multiple lakes are a refuge to a variety of bird species. They make for great hunting grounds!
Laughing Wolves
The sound of cackling echoes through the air...what on earth is wrong with those wolves?
Magnificent Rockies
Beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains, straight from the peaks.
Mendenhall Glacier
The tongue of this Alaskan Glacier is feeding a lake and forming beautiful caves. Sadly, it's slowly shrinking as the climate warms up.
Sudden, heavy rain seems to have broken out of a dark cloud.
Migrating Caribou
The herds are migrating in search of nutritious food, not yet frozen by the harsh winter.
Morning Mist in the Woods
The cold mist barely lets the sun through within the deep forest.
Muddy Spring Trail
Looks like many animals pass this area, mixing their tracks in the muddy trail crossroad when they cross from one side of the forest to the other.
Mutie on Demand: Piebald Torn
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Torn pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Mutie on Demand: Piebald Uneven
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Uneven pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.