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AngryTiger-[Item_Hoarder]'s Wishlist

This is AngryTiger-[Item_Hoarder]'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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[USA] Vermont - Quechee Gorge
A deep gorge carved by the Ottauquechee River. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] Virginia - Great Dismal Swamp
Lake Drummond is surrounded by swamps, where cypress and maple trees tower over the waters. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] Washington - North Cascades
A beautiful national park, famous for its massive mountain peaks. The hunting grounds are steep, but the inaccessible areas provide excellent shelter. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] West Virginia - Beartown
These unique rock formations provide a great tactical hiding spot for your pack. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] Wisconsin - Dells of the Wisconsin River
Sculpted by the flow of water caused by a melting glacier, these sandstone rock formations are a unique sight. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] Wyoming - Grand Teton
The Teton Range is part of the Rocky Mountains. These massive peaks can be seen in their entirety from the banks of the Snake River. North America - USA theme set.
American Coot
Aw! Such a 'coot' little bird!
Anaconda Skin
This is the very impressive skin of a slithering opponent.
Anaconda Skull
A big, yet delicate, skull of a scary snake.
Ancient Swamp Tree
A dark swamp, an ancient, twisted tree, and a wolf. The ground is vibrating with energy.
Arctic Draba & Amethyst Fields
Exposed gems adorned with flowers gently swaying in the wind.
Azure-Hooded Jay
A social Jay from Central America. It dwells in humid forests.
Badger Pelt
The pelt of a badger. It isn't whole, and the edges are torn, but it's quite clean and fuzzy!
Badger Skull
The skull of a badger. If you leave it outside, the insects will clean it up quite nicely!
Base Applicator [Airglow]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their base to Airglow. Genetics: Special Dark Tier *.
Note: Already had this at one point but I used it so may need another for trophy’s sake