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Ikiaq's Legacy

Ikiaq's Legacy
Posted 2023-04-13 10:16:36 (edited)

Hello, friend. This thread is being used to share my legacy. I am aging, and want to leave a written record for my packmates and pups to remember me by.

I didn't actually wear this attire while I was living. But why bother living if you can't exaggerate a bit on your gravestone, hm? In fact, all of my family members dressed up with me just to take some nice photos for this thread. None of us own these clothes, but that doesn't mean we don't look gorgeous in them!

I was born to the Divine Paws Pack 88496 on November 7, 2022. My papa, Fantastic Mr. Fox, was a breeding male. My momma, Mentor, taught other puppies lots of great life lessons.

I was never given any applicators. My beauty is natural, one could say!

I left my pack when I was one year, eight-and-a-half months old. Faolan welcomed me into the Northern Dawn and immediately rewarded me with the position of lead chaser on the Grocery Shoppers hunting team. That was all the way back when they were first assembling it -- I hunted alongside his mate, Esme, and their pups!

I was born relatively gifted, with 372 total stats. My speed and agility, the two most important stats being a chaser, were 87 and 82. My, how far I've come! When I retired, I was a level twelve chaser, with 661 total stats.

Faolan always praised me for the beautiful litters I produced for our pack. Despite being frequently bred to outsider males, my heart belongs to my mate, Troye. He was our pack's first NBW and our first scout (and best, if you ask me!). He retired a very talented level seventeen scout, with 587 total stats.

We never had puppies together, but in total, I welcomed 24 beautiful babies into the world. And while a mother can never claim to have favorites, let me share with you three of my babies that I'm the most proud of:



I had Vixen and Bella when I was two years and three-and-a-half months old. Their father, Fury (of The Dark Hunters 18203), was my favorite male to stud to, although I was only able to do so once. They were also born fairly gifted, Vixen with 342 stats and Bella with 343. As grown women, they supplement the Grocery Shoppers and ElusiveElk teams when one of the main members needs to step out for pup-rearing needs. Vixen is a stalker, and Bella is a finisher. I love it when they're able to work together on the same team -- it's great watching my girls succeed together!


My sweet boy, Unukut! He was born in my last litter, when I was six years and five months old. His father, Hawkweed (of The Luminous Stars 10289), is a very talented, handsome breeding male. Because of this, Unukut was one of my most skilled pups at birth, being born with 394 stats. His speed stat of 101 and agility stat of 99 sealed his title as my heir on the Grocery Shoppers team. Once I enter my full retirement, he will claim my place as a chaser. I couldn't be more proud to be filling that role with such a charming young man.


Posted 2023-04-13 11:36:52 (edited)
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