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Mutation/Illness Art Feedback

Mutation/Illness Art Feedback
Posted 2020-10-29 15:24:09 (edited)

Hey all! Prefacing this with the fact that I do like the arts, and the change to have them go live. However, I was wondering- how do you guys feel about having a user-side measure to visually disable the arts for illnesses and lethal mutations? A lot of them can be disturbing, and while players are mature enough to look at it, I find certain mutations upsetting, personally. For example, the ticks (with the large amount of them), distemper (with my own experience with it irl), and many of the lethal mutations all give me some concern.

I recognize that if I don't like it I don't have to look at it, but I don't want my wolves to get one of these illnesses and, if I can't fix it right away, have me look at it every time I go to their page to do something with them. I don't want any gameplay changes, or anything. I don't mind if my wolves would get ill or be born with these mutations as there are other ways that the game also informs you about this.

I simply find it disturbing. Especially with new immortal pups with lethal mutations likely, I'm concerned about seeing mutations when I'm not expecting it and being upset by the (too good for its own good) graphics. As it will have no effect on the game nor would it have a negative effect on player experience, I do think having a way for users to disable the art for it would be best. It doesn't have to be minute as wanting to see one lethal and not the other. A simple on/off switch across the board for upsetting imagery like that would be useful, I think.

I understand a lot of the playerbase does like the lethals and illnesses. I don't blame you! The art is realistic and high quality, and it's a collector's item to have an immortal pup with a lethal mutation. I would be happy to have those lethals, too, and to sell them, or keep them! Just, the art isn't for me.

What do you guys think? What's your feedback on the lethals?

Update: for those unfamiliar with them, here are images for all the illnesses and lethal mutations.


Posted 2020-10-29 16:10:47

I can agree with this. Perhaps an option similar to ‘turn off site animations’ on the user’s profile page.


Posted 2020-10-29 16:26:58

Yeah, this would be ideal for younger/more easily disturbed members. Similar to video games that give you a "blood/gore" toggle in the options.


Posted 2020-10-29 20:30:32

this would be a really neat option! one of the reasons i never got into lioden was bc some of the art was really disturbing to me (it's well illustrated, but freaks me out lol)


Posted 2020-10-30 01:17:17

i think, depending on what browser you use, you might be able to manually disable seeing certain images? i remember i had to do that when i used lioden, bc of the spider encounter. obviously it wont work for everyone, and an actual onsite toggle would be fantastic, but it is something to try in the meantime. i think the grouse house guide actually has links to the exact illness images, too


Posted 2020-10-30 07:55:43

I personally really like the images, but I can definitely see why they upset some people. I think it’d be a good feature imo.


Posted 2020-10-30 08:47:10

I've only gotten the Open Wound one so far so I haven't really seen how the others look like, but having a toggle-able option is always a good idea and much appreciated.


Posted 2020-10-30 09:17:15

coming back 2 this to add on that the other day when dandelion got distemper on RO, i looked at her page and couldnt tell what was different, so in a different tab i cured her and compared images and while the nose crusties were okay enough, something about the eyes on distemper really unsettles me. im not sure my odds of seeing it again but i feel like now i wont be able to avoid noticing


Posted 2020-10-30 09:23:56 (edited)

There's illness art? Anywhere I can find it? I usually cure my wolves before I can even see what they look like

And yes, I agree there should be an optional toggle


Posted 2020-10-30 09:33:04

@Hole Punch (not sure if this will tag)

The illness art is here. It's by itself, not on the wolves themselves, so you may need to layer them over a wolf with an image program? I can grab the images I made to see it for myself if you want me to. Grouse House Guide


The eyes are the more disturbing part for me, yeah. It would be fine but for new players who can't afford the cure right away or players who don't have the herbs for it are a bit stuck with it. It's not bad art and I would like it if I just wasn't disturbed by it.


Yeah, that's my major concern with the mutations. They got pretty popular over on Lioden, and they were even worse than the ones here in terms of disturbing-ness. Again, they are good arts! Just... :(


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