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Peli’s PWYW Writing

Peli’s PWYW Writing
Posted 2020-10-29 14:49:13 (edited)

Howdy everybody, I’m Peli and I love to write! I’ll do just about anything from fanfic stuff to original content. I used to write on Lioden (115602 if you were interested), but I haven’t really been on over there in a while. Well, anyways, I used to have a PWYW writing over there, so I figured I would do it here as well. 

So then, this is a PWYW or a Pay What You Want writing Thread. You message me what you would like such as a wolf backstory and then pay me what you feel I deserve in return! I do ask that you have an idea of what you would like or give me a prompt so that I can complete your commission to the best of my abilities. 

I have the right to deny any requests for any reason.


On to some examples! These are copied from my shop over on Lioden, but I will update them once I get some Wolvden commissions!

1) White Gold Tiger was a gorgeous lioness and she knew it. She wasn't vain or anything, she was just aware of the fact that she was beautiful. She remembered how she found herself in the Forgotten Pride...

She was a young lioness at the time, only a few moons older than two full season cycles. She was a rising lioness in her pride, a skilled lioness with a knack for taking care of cubs. She had been assigned the position of broodmother and put her skills to good use. The broodmothers of her old pride were supposed to abstain from having cubs so that they didn't prioritize one cub over any of the others. 

She was doing well for herself, loved by the pride and the cubs she cared for. She was loved by one of the pride's males too much however. She didn't want it to happen, she had no choice in the matter. He forced himself onto her and she paid the price, not him. 

She was cast out of her old pride and ran for days before ending up in her new pride, the Forgotten Pride. It was a place that made her feel welcome and she was able to become a broodmother again. She was happy once more, and put her time in her birthpride behind her. She had found a new home.

2) Coaldust strolled though the wild jungle, taking careful steps. She watched for the pesky snakes that she passed ever now and again and the other large animals that inhabited the area around her. She saw another male strut over to her and rolled her eyes. It was so annoying to have so many males tramping around the jungle. How was she supposed to hunt silently with all those heavy-footed lions in the area. The male purred at her, trying to woo her over in a different way than the other males had. She didn't appreciate when they came at her aggressively, she was a lady! He shook his silky mane at her, and she found herself less peeved at him than any the other males. He roared, scaring off the nearby prey. Coaldust snarled at him, angry at him for scaring off the prey. He ducked his head apologetically and she huffed at him. He moved closer to her, rubbing his head against hers. She decided that this male was the best that had entered her part of the forest, handsome and not a pompous jerk. 

Coaldust accepted his nudge and followed him back through the forest to his pride. She wasn't greeted by any other lionesses, which she thought was weird. He explained that his pride was just starting and she was the first lioness he thought was good enough to come and stay with him in his pride. She happily stuck with him through his odd life; confrontation with a godly lion, the dry season, and all of the other insane things that happened to the both of them. They made a strong pair, Coaldust being highly skilled as both a huntress and a queen and her mate as a strong lion. They stayed together until they both retired among the stars, a mated pair even in the celestial kingdom


Posted 2020-11-04 11:47:11

Hello! I'd like to order a personality description and appearance description of this boy: Unnamed

Here is the bare bones of his personality you can work off of: 

"Something rather stoic. Intimidating. He's got more going on that what he let's on. Though he's rather intelligent and prefers to use his words rather than his strength. Charisma is not exactly his strong suite and certain interactions can make him lock up."


Posted 2020-11-04 15:59:02

Hi Bear! I’ll get started on it right away!


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