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Posted 2020-10-29 15:55:26

name: Xeyal/Ghost

id: X
əyal #19133

how long have you played wolvden: I've been here since the 21st!

how active are you: I'm pretty active! Sometimes things come up for me to where I can't get on.
As of right now, I'm usually here from the morning to the evening. 

do you know anything about horses: I do! Decent knowledge at least.
 I was very interested in horses as a child  and still actively
 pursue some of my favorite horse movies/tv shows.  I used to help a
neighbor a while back look after her ponies as well.

do you like horses: Yes

why do you want to join our team:  I feel it'll help me feel more involved on here
and with others. As yes, I am here on wolvden pretty frequently, I still
don't feel as I'm "active". If you get my meaning.

what qualities do you bring to the table: I used to moderate in a pretty active discord server
for a popular youtube artist.  I was always helping out with the
members and other moderators of the server. Whether that meant settling a
dispute privately, giving general help for questions, supporting the non moderator members,
or helping the moderators settle on specific events for the current occasion (i.e secret santa, halloween, etc.). 
I am a pretty flexible and patient person when it comes to conversations, especially disputes.
I have also helped moderate plenty of roleplays, closed species and game forums. I have plenty of knowledge with google docs,
or anything relating to the google services. 

why should we pick you: I feel as though I have enough experience under my belt to adequately 
make sure your adoptable and interactive project is a success. I am a very developed writer, so if
something needs to be typed up I am happy to provide. While I'm not the best artist I am also willing to provide any edits
that may need to be done to the lines if an artist is not able to get it at the time. I also am willing to learn new things and adjust myself
 on anything if need be. 

is there anything else you feel you should add: I like to be upfront with issues that may get
 in the way of me being a good moderator. While I am able to access discord, I am not
 able to get on discord very often. By very often I mean be available for many hours, I am usually most active on there in the
 morning and evening/night. I do pop in here and there to make sure I check in on things. I will be happy to provide an email for you to contact
if there's a desperate issue that I need to be involved in. Or you could get in touch with me here on wolvden.
Thank you for this opportunity! I look forward to hearing your decision.


Posted 2020-10-29 17:00:56 (edited)

name: Commie/Cairo!

id: #6511

how long have you played wolvden:

Since public access! Been waitin' for it to open for years from over on LD! :D

how active are you:

Constantly on except from 5am-11pm! Seriously, there's rarely ever a time I'm not online!

do you know anything about horses:

A fair bit! I've lived n' worked on our neighbors farm almost all my life, though I typically tended to the goats instead!

do you like horses:

Oh absolutely!

Sadly they don't like me :(

why do you want to join our team:

I love helpin' out folks! Plus it's just really nice to be as active as I can with the community- n' it gives me a sorta job to look forward to each day, as I really enjoy heavy workloads!!

what qualities do you bring to the table:

I'm incredibly social! And fast! Added with the fact I'm especially active on this site 24/7- i'd say I can get issues outta the way in no time!

I have absolutely no issues in the slightest when it comes to contacting people, too! Over anything!

Not to mention I have previous experience with exploration/interactive adoptables- and even own several myself w/my friends!

why should we pick you:

I think I'm pretty experienced!! I'm not good at a lotta things but I'm really confident in my ability to talk to folks n come off as overall welcoming! I'm rarely ever asleep or away, so i'd say I'm fairly speedy with everything that needs done!

I've worked on things exactly like this over on lioden! Specifically handling exploration responses/PM's! Both on my species owned with a friend- Pouli Raptors- and with another persons closed species! I respond literal seconds after someone posts in a forum (unless I'm asleep/cooking!)

N' if you need responses written out clearly; I've been into writing as a hobby for 6~ years!!!


Also on discord 24/7! The tab is always open n ready :D

is there anything else you feel you should add: 

not at all !!!


Posted 2020-10-30 07:00:43

taking all of your applications into consideration. thank you for submitting, and we will pick people by the end of the week!


Posted 2020-11-03 12:46:49

bump :) still looking at applications!


Posted 2020-11-03 13:46:03

Name: Alyssa

id: 8740

how long: since it opened to the public

do you know anything about horses: I know quite a bit, but not too much

why: I'm looking to work at an adoptables forum

what qualities: im on almost 24/7 unless im sleeping or have class, i check my forums every time they are updated

why should we pick you: i feel that i would be efficient at the job (I don't really know how to fill out these kinda things sorry)


Posted 2020-11-03 13:46:38

Oh uh.. I also don't know how to make the color for my text different, sorry


Posted 2020-11-03 16:18:02

name: Kitty


how long have you played wolvden: 
This is my second maybe third day, but I was a former Leoden player.

how active are you:
I am usually fairly active when I am off work, waiting on timers and so forth.

do you know anything about horses:
I know a little about markings and like types of horses, but I won't lie not much else. I have always loved horses, but never really gotten to learn a whole bunch about them. It's my goal to improve my knowledge on them.

do you like horses: 
I adore horses, I used to ride them fairly often in my younger years, and visit horse shows where they displayed tricks and skills of professionally trained horses and told stories. I also really like reenactments of medieval times.

why do you want to join our team:
I have honestly always been sort of interested in being apart of an adoption based art thing, I myself being an artist, as well as simply, horses are freaking cute. I want to draw more horses and I wouldn't mind being apart of a team where I am paid to do so as well.

what qualities do you bring to the table:
Well I do draw, and am comfortable with coloring items, blending markings, and just generalize patience with coloration and the act of coloring things. I am fairly organized and good at managing spreadsheets.

why should we pick you: 
I am ready to learn and willing to help when I am not doing work to pay my bills. I hope I can maybe even bring more organization and such if needed as well!

is there anything else you feel you should add: 
I am generally motivated more by being able to talk and converse about themes and ideas. As long as my ideas aren't always crushed I am an opportunistic person ready and waiting to learn and loving the idea to interact with adoptable/ play characters for those interactions.


Posted 2020-11-03 16:19:00

Definitely interested!

name: Perhaps

id: 239893

how long have you played wolvden: 2 weeks today!

how active are you: fairly so, I check in a few times per day

do you know anything about horses: yes! I have been taking lessons for about eight months, I just jumped my first cross rail on Friday haha

do you like horses: yes, absolutely! It's been my dream to own one since I knew what one was and I hope to open a riding school someday (I have a spreadsheet of potential colleges with degrees in Equine business management haha)

why do you want to join our team: I'd love to join this project and help it get off the ground! It seems like a very interesting idea and I haven't seen anything much like it before on Lioden or Wolvden. 

what qualities do you bring to the table: I am organized, efficient, and responsive! I love having a job to do and I have been a moderator/administrator of multiple roleplays in the past, so I have experience when it comes to overseeing things like this.

why should we pick you: I would love to help this project spread its wings and fly. I have experience in many different kinds of positions of authority, both IRL and online, and I enjoy doing so.


Posted 2020-11-03 16:20:18 (edited)

KaiDraws (Call me Kai)


Public Release

Super active!! I'm on here every Hour!

do you know anything about horses: Yes! When I was younger I was obsessed with horses! I know a lot about horses!

I love horses! Horses were one of my first favorite animals!

It seems like a fun opportunity for me to try, so I can get away from the stress of school and work.

I will bring good work and steady lines. I can do both lineart and color. This makes me happy because its digital art. I enjoy doing digital art so much!

I'm super hard working and pay very close attention to detail. I also love the opportunity to meet everyone and learn some thing I didn't know about horses!

 If you need my discord pm me, as it is easier for me to talk there. Other than that, Thank you.

✨Kai's Chaotic Energy✨

Posted 2020-11-03 16:25:46 (edited)

name: Meg

id: Aurora Borealis (#2630)

how long have you played wolvden: I have been playing since early access opened 

how active are you: I am on everyday, multiple times for various amounts of time

do you know anything about horses: Yes! I grew up riding horses, my dad trained horses for many years, hunting, leisure riding horses, and worked racing horses. I was a animal science major for two years as well, with the intention of becoming a horse chiropractor. 

do you like horses: I love them, I haven't had them in quite a few years due to college and married life, but I hope to have my own again someday

why do you want to join our team: I very much appreciate artists and all they do.  I dabble with learning digital art, so it would be fun for me to learn from you as well! I love adoptables too! I would love to work to incorporate art. horses, and a little community here on Wolvden. :) 

what qualities do you bring to the table: I am very outgoing, friendly, with years of  leadership, management, and communication skills. I am passionate about animals, and friendship. I have played other sim games online (including the Howrse lol). I have experience with docs, excel , and other computer programs. 

why should we pick you: I will work hard to boost and create a fun community. I believe art is meant to join people together and I think this idea and association is an amazing idea. 

is there anything else you feel you should add: I am a full time college student, and working, but as I said, I still make wolvden a priority.

Thank you for this opportunity! I look forward to being  apart of it in any form! :)

Aurora Borealis