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Rekindle Project!!

Rekindle Project!!
Posted 2023-03-20 11:14:33
Note: this is mostly for my wolvden account, but it'll also be applied to (mostly) my main lioden account. :) Anyone can do this and modify it if they want! I just want a place to write down my ramblings and progress. (Hopefully I'll make this thread look prettier later idk)

What is the Rekindle Project?

For a long while I've been focusing a lot on mutations alone, without putting much thought into my wolves' value. And unfortunately I'm at a point where my pack has hit a massive genetic bottleneck, with genes being so watered down that 99% of my litters are typical T1 0-3 marking wolves with the same markings/genes over and over, same issue on my main lioden account. And after a while of thinking, I've decided to start a project that will hopefully change this (and give me a fun challenge on wolvden outside of events! c:)

- Bring new blood into the pack. *
- Breed rare BO exclusive marks, bases + marks. *
- Increase my wolves' market value.
- Hopefully one day obtain/breed a unique very rare/valuable stud?

- T1 wolves MUST be disposed. *
- All inbred wolves, no matter how far back, MUST be disposed. *
- Cool and Monochrome bases ONLY. *
- Muties are nice, but not necessary. If they don't fit the above criteria, they MUST be disposed. (preferably sold)

None for now.


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