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"Secrets of the Concrete Jungle" 1x1 Private

"Secrets of the Concrete Jungle" 1x1 Private
Posted 2023-02-27 14:56:37
1x1 with Moonsong

The fresh, crisp air of an early winter settled around Logyn as he drank from the river that cut through his pack grounds. Puppies tumbled around under the watchful eyes of their mothers, teenag─no, adolescents─tousled together as they awaited instruction from their mentors, expectant mothers basked in their nests as their mates fussed over them. An idyllic piece of paradise that any wolf would be lucky to enjoy for just one day in their life. A gentle breeze picked up and ruffled through his golden brown fur, tickling his ears as he flicked them towards the sound of a twig snapping to his left. He looked up from his drink and immediately bowed his head as the Alpha approached with an apprentice by her side.

"Logyn. You're planning another nighttime scouting mission tonight, correct?" Her voice was terse. Tired almost.

Logyn hesitated as he slowly righted himself and tilted his head towards her. "Yes, ma'am. As I've explained previously, nighttime is statistically the most likely time for an invasion. Whether that be an attack or other scouts trying to intrude on our lands to glean information." It was then that his attention diverted to the adolescent beside the Alpha. The younger male immediately diverted his gaze with a low bow, eliciting a soft huff from Logyn.

The Alpha cleared her throat to draw his attention back to her. "You will take Tytus with you tonight. Our scouts are overworked with their current apprentices, but I believe that is still where his aptitude lies." Translation, he'd ruined too many hunts, had no skills as a pupsitter, and nobody else in the pack wanted to deal with him. Which left Logyn to deal with the trembling pup.

"I'm sure you're aware by now that I like to work alone, and I certainly don't train six-ers barely weened off their mother's tit," Logyn snorted as Tytus cowered behind the Alpha.

"And I'm sure you're aware by now that I am your Alpha. You will take Tytus with you."

"Mother, I really must─"

"I am not asking you as your mother, I am telling you as your Alpha. Have I made myself clear?"

Logyn's ears pinned back and his lips raised in a sneer towards the younger male. "Yes, mother. As crystal." His claws dug into the ground as the pair left him to stew on the adjustment to his routines. One thing was for certain. He was going to need a very good reason to give his human professors over why he wouldn't be at his night classes.

💀 Maladi idalaM 💀

Posted 2023-02-28 18:05:03
She took the time to explore the town, mainly due to boredom, but also to get away from her pack for a short period of time. They had done nothing wrong; it was more so Shenzi had trust issues to those of her species and preferred to have some alone time on occasion. Not that the human world was any better. From what she had witnessed, humans went to work only to come home and do more tasks. Some went to classes, the younger ones at least, and even then, she had heard about how stressful it could be from acquaintances at the local school. The female had yet to integrate with the human population, though she did have a preference for her wolf form over being human. Wolves were just...less complex than these two-legged beings.

Moving down the sidewalk on one side of the street, Shenzi eyed the shops and the people that passed by her. Her turquoise eyes stood out against her pale skin and raven colored hair. The same color as her eyes as a wolf. Shocking it didn't give anything away. Though most assumed she just wore colored contacts, or so they call them. It was rather chilly so she had a jacket on with her hands folded neatly into her pockets. "Stupid furless creatures.." she muttered under her breath. Having no fur really did suck.

Shenzi was more of an observer in the human domain. She didn't get involved in much - didn't have a job and didn't attend classes, yet. She had planned to soon in order to gain a better understanding of some human dynamics. A few classes had opened up at the school, so Shenzi had enrolled in one. She just hoped getting away with it would be easier than it sounded. After all, her pack probably wouldn't authorize something of the liking. Shenzi really should be focusing on her pack more than the human realm, or at least, that's what her Alpha had told her many times before.

Seeing as the sun was beginning to set now, Shenzi began to quietly make her way towards the forest. Human life was boring right now anyways.


Posted 2023-02-28 19:40:15
Surprise, surprise, Tytus was not prepared for a night time scouting mission. Well, it certainly didn't help that Logyn had to bullshit his way through his "normal" routines. He'd well and truly debated trying to sneak out of the pack grounds without the younger male, but his mother had made sure that wouldn't be happening. It was times like this when he wondered how she could ever claim she was "too busy" for anything he brought to her attention, when she managed just fine to find the time to watch him leave on his semi nightly routine.

In the end, however, it couldn't be helped. The golden wolf ran the younger adolescent all over their territory to tire him enough that he could justify escorting him home. It's not like they didn't get actual work done. In fact, a proper scouting mission gave Logyn plenty of information to think over tactics he could employ to secure their borders against the other packs. Unfortunately, this meant he was grossly late to the night class he was supposed to attend that night. There was no way he could make it to the edge of the forest, shift, and get to the human college in time. No, there would be no learning that night.

But, that didn't mean he couldn't explore the town. Anything to get out from under the watchful eye and firm claws of his mother. It was therefore that as soon as he made sure Tytus made it into the pack grounds and to his den safely, that Logyn immediately ducked out of sight and made his run for it. He just needed time. He just needed a break. Maybe then he could get some answers.

Or perhaps, all he would get was more questions. Despite relatively warm weather for the season, Logyn's fur stood on edge as he reached the tree line near the human settlement. What was another wolf doing, hanging around these parts? Even if the scent was old, there was no denying it. He wasn't the only one deciding to play human.

💀 Maladi idalaM 💀

Posted 2023-03-02 20:01:33
Her eyes glanced back at the town just as her head turned around to bring them there. The street lights were glowing now, having flickered on with the night approaching. It wasn't fully dark out, yet, but it was at least just past sunset. Speaking of which, it was a pretty sight. Shenzi, focus! she thought, shaking her head and started off towards the woods.

She shifted immediately after burying herself in the trees. A silent sigh escaped Shenzi. It was a relief to be back in her wolf form. Humans were odd as they walked on two legs instead of four. Not to mention no fur. Though, with the warmer seasons approaching, it wasn't all that bad for once.  Her head shook and she started off, making her way towards a stream she often stopped by whenever returning from the human settlement. With the wind behind her, her aroma was carried towards the forest. She couldn't pick up many scents with the wind in favor of others, however. Though, Shenzi rarely ran into anyone around these parts considering the town was so close!

Arriving at the stream, Shenzi lowered her had to the slow moving water. She lapped eagerly at the flowing water, her tail swaying contently behind her. Her eyes closed halfway as well, another contentment sign for the female. As her muzzle rose from the water's edge, droplets fell from her chin and created ripples in the stream. The pebbles at her paws were surprisingly cold despite the weather, but then again, the water was rather chilled tool. As the wind shifted directions now, Shenzi picked up a few more aromas. Her nostrils flared as scents cascaded into her nose. The one that stuck out the most was another wolf. It wasn't strong, but it was enough to cause a little concern for Shenzi. They weren't from her pack either, hence the concern.

Ears flicked and twitched to pick up any sounds around her. Though, all she really heard were the sounds of an owl above and the gentle stream beneath her paws. A yawn parted her muzzle, she had been up most of the day anyways exploring. However, she was not yet ready to settle for the night.


Posted 2023-03-02 23:31:41
A black and grey she-wolf. Drinking from the river that would eventually make its way to his pack. So close to the human city, however, they were in neutral ground. But what was she doing so far out here? Many packs forbade their members from shifting at all, let alone going near the humans. His own included. She either was either part of a pack without these rules, one he hadn't heard of, or she was a loner. One thing was for certain, the she-wolf's scent was distinctly mixed with that of the city. Curious indeed. Well, there was definitely one way he could find out. If she was from one of the packs nearby, she would hopefully be aware of and respect the peace treaty from recent years.

As the wind changed against him, Logyn stalked around the tree line until he was in front of the she-wolf, observing her for a few moments longer before stepping out into the moonlight. He remained silent for several long moments as his sharp gaze examined her. Her scent was coated in the familiar smells of the forest; she was definitely a local. "Hello, miss," he finally said. He sat where he was, just outside the tree line, his tail lightly thumping against the forest floor. "I've not seen you around here before." His tone wasn't accusatory, merely curious, though his eyes were critical as he watched for any signs of aggression, or fear.

If she was like him, a wolf more curious about the humans they could walk among than their elders could stand, he very much wanted to know more about her. And, if she wasn't, he very much wanted to know why she would wander so close to town. Finding a new entry point where he wouldn't be spotted by members of his own or allied packs would be ever so bothersome, after all.

💀 Maladi idalaM 💀

Posted 2023-03-05 18:51:17
While she wasn't necessarily surprised to see another wolf around, it had startled Shenzi when this golden and brown male stood before her. For a brief moment, her fur stood on end and a very quiet growl emitted from her throat. Despite this, Shenzi took a more defensive position over an aggressive one. Her blue-green eyes looked him up and down. He didn't appear to be a threat, merely curious perhaps.

As fast as her fur had bristled, it flattened against her back once more. She relaxed but held her guard up. The she wolf sat down, mimicking his position. "I'm not surprised you haven't, honestly," she voiced. While her tone wasn't really cold, it did hold a dull edge to it. Though this was normal for Shenzi. Her eyes narrowed for a short second as she looked him over again. Her nostrils flared as they took in his aroma. Probably part of one of the packs in the area, but she didn't know for sure yet.  "Just passing through. I don't mean to cause any trouble," Shenzi noted and shifter her gaze to one side, lowering her head a bit in a respectful manner. It wasn't a submissive stance, Shenzi didn't roll that way, but it did hint at it as she knew he could take her on if she got aggressive.  "But what about you? You don't exactly see many wolves so close to the human civilization."

Was he like her in the way that he visited the town often? No, that couldn't be. Not many wolves did so, and it was kind of forbidden after all. Her pack wasn't exactly keen on Shenzi visiting it when they had originally found out. She had promised not to, obviously this was a lie. Shenzi visited it frequently. She found humans interesting, fascinating even. Despite how boring their life was, she didn't mind spending a little time down there. But her wolf life typically came first regardless.


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