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lost valley wolf Rp

Posted 2023-02-26 09:54:51
He watches Lucy, Vixeni, and Rue leave then turns to Severus. "You don't have to stay. I am fine." He attempted to stand again and this time was able to keep his balance. "See...I will be okay on my own."

"Morning Lucy Rue. Have you seen my runt of a brother this morning? Or that traitor Vixeni?" He looked a little more relaxed this morning but his attitude was just as strong as ever.


Posted 2023-02-26 09:57:48
Lucy growled a little at Ralphie, "No...I haven't...come Rue...lets go get some fish at the river, We can learn how to fish together..." She gently picks up Rue and walks to the river.

Vixeni heard Ralphie and stayed calm, she made her ears flat to make herself look sad, she was good at acting since she was a jokester. She gently puts a bit of sand on her eyes to make her eyes tear up, before she layed down.


Posted 2023-02-26 10:00:02
"Hey! Traitor. Where is he?" He walked over to Vixeni and towered over her, a threatening look in his eyes and his teeth bared.


Posted 2023-02-26 10:02:50
Vixeni whimpers, acting sad as tears dripped down her face, she was gonna lie. She will do anything to protect her friends, even if it means faking their deaths. She didn't want Rex to get hurt by Ralphie and Golomath. "R-Rex...he...he's dead...."


Posted 2023-02-26 10:07:39
A cruel smirk formed on his face and he laughed menacingly. "Finally! It's about time that runt died. I don't have to hear his pitiful voice or look at his stupid face. Good." He sneered at Vixeni then turned away and started walking towards the forest. "I'm going for a walk. Make yourself useful and clean the dens won't you."


Posted 2023-02-26 10:07:55 (edited)
Golomath trotted up to stand next to Ralphie. "Dead?" He sneered. "Well, I suppose that wasn't really a big loss anyway!" He laughed cruelly.

Posted 2023-02-26 10:13:38
When Vixeni looked away, she smirked, "I am useful...i can fish unlike you two..." She walks away.

Talon sighed and walked up to Ralphie, "Morning Ralphie, Golomath...How was your guy's sleep?"


Posted 2023-02-26 10:14:00
Severus went to stand next to Rex in case he fell. "I don't mind staying." he said kindly to Rex.

Posted 2023-02-26 10:15:45
A low growl emerged from his throat and for a moment he considered attacking Vixeni. But when Talon caught his attention he let it go and smiled. "I sleep fine...I guess. How about yourself?"


Posted 2023-02-26 10:17:00
A smile tugged at his mouth. "Oh...alright then. Um, I want t-to walk over to the cave entrance. Can you help me please?" He stepped forward and almost tripped.


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